"Calm your mind and relax"

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"Do you know how you got your power Minho? Did it just appear or is it something you've always had?"

"I just found out about it yesterday in the hall, I didnt know I could do that until then"

"Did you do anything unusual that day?"

"No you just frustrated me and it happened, I don't know how", Minho sighed as he flipped some pages.

"Do you ever feel like you're out of control when you're angry? Like you want to hurt someone or break something?"

Minho looked down and nibbled on the inside of his lip," a few times when I was younger obviously but recently..maybe yesterday, in the woods when the..trees, yeah"

"It's nothing to feel bad about, it's normal, and maybe your anger can be used to learn more about it since that's what you were feeling when you did it the first time. I think you might be stronger when you're angry but you can focus on controlling it, and besides you're still new and already making lots of progress."

A smile tugged at the brunette's lips and he nodded before going back to his book. The two sat in silence for a few minutes, reading and looking through the books they had. Minho skimmed a page but then stopped when something caught his eye, his eyes widened and the library lights started to flicker slightly. The shelves tremble, a few books calling off of them as Minho's breath picked up when the table began to shake, he closed the book and pushed it away, and the lights stopped flickering. Hyunjin looks at Minho and then at the things happening around them, he sits up, setting the book down, "Minho? Is something wrong?"

The older one just stood up, grabbing the books in front of him and putting them back quickly, "n-nothing is wrong".

Hyunjin puts away the stuff he had as well and follows Minho who is walking rather fast, toward the exit, "Minho, are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

"Yes, can we leave now?"

"Yeah, we'll talk outside, wouldn't want anyone to see or hear."

They walk out of the library together, Minho's hood on his head and his hands in his pocket. "Minho seriously, was there anything else you saw in that book? What made you..you know?"

"It was nothing, Im fine let's go", Minho mumbled.

"Minho, please", he sounds concerned, "I can see that you're upset, please let me help."

"There..", the boy sighed before speaking," there's testing for people like me"

Hyunjin furrows his eyebrows and stops walking, looking at Minho as they stand on a wooden bridge, the sound of water rushing under it, "wait what? What kind of testing?"

"I don't know, they just said they did trials, testing on the mind or something..I don't know but I know that I don't want to be tested on, it seems so..sketchy."

"A lab where they test the mind..it does sound sketchy but do you they'd have an organization like that here?", Hyunjin stares, thinking for a bit and chewing on the inside of his cheek, ' maybe they just want to help?"

Minho shook his head,"no, I don't want to be tested on, can we go please? I don't feel very safe here", he whispered as he looked around.

After a few minutes, they are walking on the sidewalk, now back on the main road where all the neighborhoods are. Hyunjin glances at him before sighing and looking at the ground, "if it makes you feel a little calmer, i don't think those scientists or anyone else would be looking out for anyone with powers in this town..I think you'd be somewhat safe. Do you wanna come to my place so we can talk more?"

The brunette listened to the other's words, he's right, nothing serious ever really happens in this town anyway, "Yeah you're probably right, and sure, why not", he purses his lips into a smile.

The younger smiles and they keep walking, Minho now following Hyunjin, "can I ask you another question, Minho?"

The boy hummed and listened, his eyes on the ground as he continued his steps.

"Does your grandma know? About what happened yesterday".

Minho shook his head.

"I think you should tell her..I mean is there a reason why you won't tell her?"

'No, I'm just scared to tell her", the older mumbled.

Hyunjin smiled as he walked up to his front door, "it's okay Minho, just tell her whenever you're ready", he opened the door and walked inside, switching on a light.

The brunette sighed and followed him in, that'll be never, she'd probably freak out, or just not believe him. She doesn't have the imagination.

Minho follows the taller boy to the white couch in the lightly lit room. His eyes scanned the house, it was clean, spotless actually, with lots of white, silver, and black decorations.

"Why are you scared though? Is it something she said that made you not want to tell her or is it something else about this whole..experience"

"I think I just..", he nibbled on his lip and looked down,"if people actually do come..for me..I don't want her involved, I already feel like a burden living with her, I don't want to bother her with this and besides I doubt she'd even believe me."

"I understand all of that except the last part, Minho I doubt you're bothering he, you aren't a burden to your grandma, and I'm sure that if she found out she'd want to protect you even more", Hyunjin said, his eyebrows cowering in as he rested his hand on the latters shoulder.

Minho nodded a bit, "You're right..is anyone here?"

"No one's here, it's just us", he shrugs.

"You don't live with your parents?", the brunette asked, looking around the room.

"My parents are..at work, like always", he mumbled before speaking normally, "No one is here except us two so don't worry."

The older nodded and looked back towards Hyunjin.

"So Minho, Im not going to lie, your powers can be dangerous, especially if you don't know how to control them, but if you learn how you can do great things..I know I don't have powers of my own but I still want to help you Minho. So let's start with something to test the waters, just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Try to calm your mind and relax".

Minho nods and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, breathing slowly and calmly as he tries to clear his head. The air conditioner clicks on as Hyunjin begins to speak, "try to focus your mind on something clear to help you relax, something like a white or clear room".

The older listens to him, taking a deep breath as he focuses on clearing his mind, he exhales and then his body goes limp. Hyunjins eyes shoot open, "Minho? Minho?", he shakes him before getting off of the couch and crouching down beside him, shaking him, "Minho!".

Minho's eyes opened and he looked around, it was all gray, The ground was wet and cold..and empty, he was alone. He spun around before exhaling and closing his eyes after a few seconds his physical body sat up and he gained consciousness. He breathed quickly and heavily, gasping for air.

"Are you alright? What happened?"Hyunjin breathed out, relieved that Minho was okay.

The brunette doesn't answer he just looks into his eyes before he begins crying

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