convenience store

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The rest of lunch went dreadfully slow. Y/n could practically feel the heat of the group's gaze burning in his direction, he gritted his teeth. He almost felt tempted to turn around and shout 'WHAT?!'. But he dismissed the idea. Not wanting to cause a scene. 'Damn it, how long are those morons gonna stare at me?!'. Y/n of course expected some type of reaction when his childhood friends first saw him after six years, he left without saying a word, and now, he's back without any warning.

The male didn't dare to glance back at the boys. It appeared they still kept to themselves. He and his sister had been the only people those four could be considered close to, except for each other. they were the 'holy' group of Runswick due to their parents' occupations, he guessed their smarts and looks also had a part in their popularity, especially the latter. When they were younger, Y/n and Lucia would always tease them about the number of girls that had a crush on them, and it looked like Father Time had only enhanced their beauty as they grew older. Y/n let out a shaky breath 'I mean, Kiara isn't wrong, they are beautiful. they sure aged like fine wine.' Y/n glanced around the cafeteria, he noticed that quite a lot of people were staring in their direction, most just stared in awe, others in envy. But there was one thing they all had in common, their eyes all held an underlying layer of...fear? caution? something akin to that.

Y/n narrowed his eyes in confusion, the quartet was allegedly the golden four of the school with a lot of admirers, so why did it look like people were afraid of even breathing the wrong way around them? Suddenly he thought back to Clark's words. ' they look down at everyone who isn't on their level?' Y/n against his better judgment looked back and met eyes with a pair of black eyes framed behind glasses. both boys kept prolonged eye contact with each other before the black-eyed male turned his head away and mouthed something to his companions and they to looked away. 'I mean they were pretty distant towards everyone, but they were never rude, or thought of themselves as better. did something change?' he pondered tilting his head, staring at the group trying to catch on to some type of indication that their personalities had changed, but found none. The boy turned back around and took a bite of his food. 'what did I expect them to do? wave?' the boy frowned 'I left without saying goodbye to any of them, and now I pop up in their school cafeteria unexpectedly, I can't blame them for giving me that reaction.'

''Y/n, you okay?"' the concerned voice of Kiara reached his ears and he looked at the source. Huh? Oh... yea I just was thinking about...something," he answered. Clark looked at him perplexed before his face went blank. "Oh, sh*t. I forget you used to be friends with the two-faced freaks," he mumbled. Kiara jabbed him in the side and shot him a glare. "have some manners Clark." she hissed. Clark pouted and crossed his arms. Kiara turned her attention to Y/n. "you used to be friends with them, when?'' she curiously inquired "About six years ago, I moved away and we lost contact." he shrugged, it wasn't a total lie. "Wow. I would've never guessed you were friends with them..." she trailed off surprised. "That's because you moved here two years ago, Kiara, but anyone that lived here while those five were friends would know they were practically inseparable,'' Clark grunted. the h/c haired breath hitched slightly hoping to avoid the female's interrogation. 'At least Clark had the decency to leave out the mention of the sixth member of my old friend group." Kiara was about to open her mouth to continue speaking on the topic but Clark stopped her "Hey hurry up Kia, we only have 3 minutes left of lunch and you haven't even finished your sandwich yet!" Kiara widened her eyes and proceeded to scarf down the rest of her food. Whilst the female was busy inhaling the rest of her sandwich, Y/n and Clark shared a look that served as a 'thank you' from the h/c boy to the brown-haired.

the sound of the school bell was heard through the cafeteria indicating for the students to go move on to their next classes. "damn it!" Kiara whined a mouthful of food. The two boys giggled. "You would be able to finish your food on time if you ate instead of talking." Clark teased. "shut up.'' Kiara flustered in embarrassment. As the trio walked out of the cafeteria, Y/n once again felt eyes staring at him. ' Are you kidding me?'

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now