𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Keira and Luke walked for hours after their encounter with Apollo.

The son of Hermes seethed with anger at Keira's dismissive attitude and her behavior when the sun god appeared. But beneath his simmering rage lay a deeper turmoil.

He chastised himself for feeling anything at all. After all, he and Keira were nothing more than two free spirits, each entitled to pursue their desires despite the intense encounters they shared and the passionate kisses they exchanged.

Luke convinced himself that Keira's flirtation with Apollo didn't bother him, that it was her dismissive behavior after inviting him on the journey that stung the most. The thought of her willing to abandon him by the roadside to rendezvous with the sun god gnawed at him. Yet, he also understood that displaying overt anger would only invite Keira's mockery, accusing him of jealousy. So, he resolved to play it cool and conceal his frustration beneath a facade of indifference.

During their silent walk, the tension between the two demigods was palpable, punctuated by the steady rhythm of the girl lighting one cigarette after another. After trekking for what felt like an eternity without sight of a nearby town or city, they decided to halt and rest for a few hours inside their tent. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon them, and they barely managed to set up camp before both succumbed to sleep, not stirring until well into the morning.

Upon waking, refreshed and with renewed energy, they resumed their journey in search of a nearby town. The heated words exchanged the previous night after Apollo's departure began to fade as they strategized their route towards Los Angeles. The journey was proving longer than anticipated, and now, without the motorcycle, complications and delays loomed ahead. Yet, neither of them could shake the thrill of the drifting travel and the rush of adrenaline that came with it.

Finally, they arrived at a small town with a lively train station. It was the opportunity they had been waiting for, with numerous trains departing for the West Coast, including several bound for Los Angeles that very day.

"The next one leaves in half an hour," Luke announced, squinting to decipher the small letters on the board. Surveying the bustling station, he added, "I'll go find some decrepit old—"

Keira swiftly silenced him by placing her index finger over his lips, a sly smile playing on hers. "Hold on there, petty thief. We'll do this my way this time."

Despite the tense hours they had endured, Luke couldn't help but return the smirk. He would never admit it out loud, especially not in front of Keira, but he secretly missed those daring schemes. While utilizing his pickpocketing skills would have been straightforward and easy, Keira's plans were always reckless, unhinged, yet undeniably brilliant. And above all, they never failed.

At times, Keira's elaborate theatrics and intricate schemes seemed excessive. He sometimes questioned the need for such complexity, but once again, the daughter of Athena proved herself in her element. Despite his reservations, Luke couldn't deny that he found himself craving that adrenaline rush that came with her daring plans and unexpected twists. There was something exhilarating about being swept up in her schemes, even if they occasionally bordered on unnecessary extravagance.

Keira's influence was undeniably shaping him into an unhinged freak like her.

After scheming and finalizing their plan, the two demigods found themselves standing on the train platform. The station wasn't particularly large, allowing for only the passage of two trains simultaneously. One track pointed east, with an empty train halted at its final destination where passengers had disembarked. The other track, empty and leading west toward Los Angeles, was the one they needed.

In fifteen minutes, the train they were to board would arrive.

As soon as they set foot on the platform, Keira launched into her performance. She leaned against Luke's shoulder, summoning the saddest expression possible. Without hesitation, Luke wrapped an arm around her, assuming an expression of concern, though he had to remind himself that Keira was merely playing a role. The daughter of Athena was so adept at feigning emotions that it was difficult to discern where her acting ended and her true feelings began.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆, luke castellanWhere stories live. Discover now