🌈Part 1🌱

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Miaky opened her eyes slowly, blinded by the sun
-where am I..?
She noticed that her feet were not touching the ground, and as she looked up, she was surprised to see that she was hanging from a swing in the clouds.
She screamed at the top of her lungs and was terrified.
She felt deep loneliness and anguish. She was not able to handle this sudden situation, at least not yet.


Alycia was on the ground. She was asleep until now, she got up without paying too much attention to her surroundings, then she was surprised to see that she was even smaller than she was already.
She wanted to scream too but her nothing came out, anxiety began to rise in her belly but she is used.
Then she remained calm and began to venture into this strange room, a childish melody resounded in the room, and there were plenty of small houses that were just gigantic.
Alycia couldn't figure out if it was her who was small, or just the houses that were just disproportionate...

After 40 minutes of walking, she finally realized that this strange place which pleased her all the same much compared to the colors, was in reality another world.
She was seized with panic and anguish at the idea of meeting a malevolent person, but as soon as this thought crossed her head she heard a shrill scream coming from one of the houses.
She froze with terror, her eyes wide open, she let go a slight laugh of panic.
When suddenly the sweet melody that gave a reassuring atmosphere suddenly stopped and gave way to a deafening silence.
Her heart could be heard, she felt a gaze upon her. Trying to be courageous, she slowly turned her head.
Even if she expected it, her heart made a leap which took her breath away, a form resembling little bit human was staring at Alycia. We don't know how to describe this creature, but his eyes came out of the shadows. After much hesitation, Alycia ran like a hare, obviously the predator chased her.

Alycia had no chance, she was going to die in a pathetic and pathetic way when suddenly in her races she saw an entirely black wall.
She had absolutely no way out,
So she ran into the wall hoping it was a portal.


"Alycia..? Alycia?? Oh Alycia I am so relieved that you are with me now, but I beg you to open your eyes.."
Alycia was completely lost, she heard her own voice and assumed it was surely her consciousness but the voice did not stop, on the contrary she became more and more powerful to the point that Alycia had a headache.
Alycia lifted her head at a surprising speed and her throat tied.
Miaky, who was right next to her, looked at her with an air both distressing and reassuring,
Alycia wanted to hug Miaky before noticing in fright that she was on a swing... hanging in the sky.
Once again Alycia wanted to scream with all her strength but something prevented her, Miaky saw him immediately and shook her hand
"Don't worry, Alycia, we'll be fine!"
Alycia calmed down and stared at Miaky with tears in her eyes
-Where are we? And how are we going to get out of there?..
Miaky's only answer was silence, she did not know what to say, so she closed her eyes and swung in the clouds very slowly.
-It's surely a dream, so let's enjoy it!
Alycia watched her swing and did the same. This distressing situation will turn into a wonderful and incomprehensible moment, the two young girls were laughing while swaying awkwardly.

All good things have an end and by bad luck Alycia suddenly fell from her swing, her hand held her whole body because by «luck» her hand had remained hung.
And this time nothing stopped Alycia from screaming.
Miaky does not take long to see with horror the body of Alycia on the verge of falling, literally. She could do nothing to help her soul mate by crying to show her frustration.
Suddenly an eye floating in the air with a pair of white wings appeared.
Miaky looked at him with surprise, she did not long to ask him for help,
Alycia raised her head with difficulty, she did not need to utter a single word because one could see in her eyes drowned by tears that she wanted help, the creature looked at them without saying a single word, and disappeared suddenly.
Miaky, shocked at what she came to see, froze. Alycia began to fall little by little, already that she did not have much strength, she would not last longer.
She let go of the swing and fell
Miaky screamed and began to feel a pure and deep frustration.
- yes.?
Miaky's face suddenly cleared, she glanced under her feet and noticed that Alycia was sitting on a cloud
-Miaky the clouds are solid!
Miaky smiled and jumped off the swing to join his best friend.
The two girls together again found their good mood,
Alycia hugged Miaky, not knowing what would happen next...
The two girls jumped on the clouds to reach the firm ground, they played the Game of tag in the clouds to put a pleasant atmosphere,
-touch! You're the cat!
Alycia was laughing while running, while Miaky was trying to catch her
-But I am already a cat! she said, waving her head to emphasize her cat ears.
Miaky was laughing and Alycia kept running away from Miaky, until she noticed a greenish ground.


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