🌈Part 10🌱

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The brunette woke up gasping and looked around her, she was under the desk behind the broken window.

- where is the wound??! she cried, touching her torso

After realizing it was just a dream, she got up and crossed the other side.
She advanced towards the threshold and looked into the corridors
- no one...
So she continued her way in search of Miaky, and an exit.

Suddenly, a sobbing sound broke the silence.

Alycia froze
- there is someone.?
Her blood froze, she had just made a terrible mistake, who knows, that sobbing sound and surely bait, and Alycia is prey.
The brunette had no choice so she looked into the room that was not far from her, she trembled.

A person was crouching in the darkness at the back of the room, she was back.
l Hey..? Alycia said with a trembling voice.
The person turned abruptly, his purple hair covered half his face and he had fresh blood on all his body.
Then she realized the brunette wasn't what she seemed.
- calm down. - I'm not a monster. Alycia says, arms up
The wounded looked at her, confused, and lowered her tone
- Are you hiding too?
- not really, but we can say that?
Alycia smiled to trust the wounded woman in front of her, then noticed the decapitated creature at the girl's foot in front of her.
- Is it a rabbit?
- Uh.. What?
- I don't think it's edible... well, eat this instead,
Alycia dipped her hand into her purse and pulled out a small packet of treats, then the girl.

The wounded hesitated, then accepted the offer
- Thank you, it's been a long time since I've eaten. she says.
- it's nothing, it's normal!


Later, Alycia and the girl were sitting against a wall.
- what's your name? says Alycia to start a discussion
- Sumiki..
- it's a beautiful name!
- oh thank you! What about you?
- Alycia! And by the way, I wanted to tell you about it... have you seen a girl with Uhm. blood, light pink hair, blue eyes, cat ears...
- no i didn't, why?
- she's my best friend and I can't find her, I thought I saw her yesterday, but she was probably a monster because she tried to kill me.
- What is a best friend?
Alycia looked into her eyes, confused
- you don't know what a best friend is?
- no
- a best friend is... Hmm a person you love very much!! You often want to be with her, and then you often think about her, you can trust her!
- Oh, Alycia, you are my best friend then! Screamed Sumiki, smiling
- ahhhh... not really we barely know each other- for now we can just say we're friends?
Sumiki smiled and got up
- Do you know where we are? Asked the violet
- good question.. I don't know at all.. said the brunette while rising too
Sumiki advanced to a door and opened it with hesitation
- you found something? said the brunette
- look!

A shopping center was just behind the door
- how it is possible.. says Alycia, surprised
Sumiki was just happy to see something other than doors and walls, so she stepped forward, Alycia following her.

The mall was dark, as if it was closed in the middle of the night, it was the same as the last time, where Alycia and Miaky had had the carousel accident and it was hidden in a cotton candy stand.
- there's no one there. even no noise! Chuchota Sumiki
- yes.
The door slammed shut behind the two girls
- Sumiki, be gently with the door!
- I didn't even touch it!
The two girls exchanged a look of concern, before advancing towards the upper floor.

Once at the top, Sumiki headed to a food store
- I'll get some food!
Alycia nodded and entered a shop similar to a garage sale.

The violet grabbed a chocolate bar and ate it, before looking at each mockingbird in the store for food.

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