🌈Part 4🌱

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The two girls then ventured into the mall to follow the bloodstains, looking for the bag that had fallen from Alycia's hands.

Miaky was tracking the bloodstains after Alycia.
-Alycia wait for me!
Miaky was limping behind Alycia with difficulty, her injured legs were hurting her.
The two girls were starting to enter a dark place in the mall, Alycia recognizes the place, it was not far from this place that she had crossed entities previously.

Alycia looked around to locate the center of electricity, but without any result.
Then she pulled out a flashlight that still had a low energy level.
-The bag probably fell not far from here, I remember running in the dark.
Miaky could not approve, she had lost consciousness at that time.
Suddenly, Alycia saw the bag in the distance, on the ground.
Alycia runs to the bag to pick it up and find her things inside, Miaky follows her with difficulty.

Alycia had just taken the wool from the bag when suddenly she disappeared into the ground, Alycia also disappeared. Miaky who had just witnessed this scene felt her throat tighten, her blood did only a turn while she trembled.
- hey..? it's not funny!!.
She ran to the place where Alycia had disappeared and she fell in her turn.

After 5 min, Miaky opened her eyes to see where she had landed again, she saw with surprise that she was no longer in the mall, but that was not important, her priority was Alycia, only Alycia. She got up abruptly without worrying too much about her bloody legs and glanced at her to understand where she was.

Her blood immediately froze, she was on a metal floor or stone, we could not know what materials it was, and three steps from her was the void. She retreated at a surprising speed, behind her stood a wall of the same material and on both sides she was trapped.

But there was a way out, in the void was a kind of path, kind of metal discs, they were aligned in a parallel way and at the other end was a similar platform to which Miaky was on, the only way to cross to the other side was to walk on the discs, vertigo is really not a strong point for this painful ordeal, obviously Miaky is suffering from vertigo. But she remembered that she has wings, but that would be too easy, and of course her wings refused to show. As if his own body no longer wanted to obey her.

Miaky was not shocked by the reaction of her body, actually she expected it a little, she is still in another world. Miaky remained there, sitting on the ground, she wanted to cross her path of discs but her body did not answer, she was immobilized by fear, when suddenly she heard a sharp squeak coming from the great wall behind her, she turned and realized with horror that the wall was advancing towards her, suddenly and her breath accelerated, in not even 2 min she will fall into the void if she doesn't react.
she advanced towards the discs

The wall suddenly stopped as she saw a humanoid form on the other side of the disks way, Miaky tried to see if it was an entity or a human who also ventured into the happy dream world, but looking better, she saw with a huge smile that the person who was 25 meters from her was her dear Alycia.
- MIAKY!!!

Alycia also landed in this «trap», and if the two girls finally wanted to find each other, one of them will have to cross the void. Alycia was also dizzy, so the two girls, lost, stayed several minutes to look at each other.

They couldn't stay here forever, so it was the walls that made the decision, who was going to have to cross the course. Alycia was designated, the wall behind her began to tremble before advancing towards her, Alycia turned, surprised, and began to panic. She yelled at Miaky:
Alycia had no more time to cry, she took it upon herself and advanced towards the discs, after all she just had to run and it would be over, she was about to cross the disc path while two other lines of discs made their appearances. Alycia raised her head towards Miaky, with incomprehension and distress in her eyes, there was a perfectly clean line of disc, the one in the middle, to Alycia's right, a line of brick disc, and to her left, rusty discs. Miaky didn't know what to say, Alycia chose the brick path. Miaky immediately had a bad feeling:
Alycia's foot had just landed and the brick disk became aware of the laws of gravity. Miaky blew a big blow, Alycia was close to losing her life, again. After all, we do not know what lies below the lines of discs except the void.

Alycia watched the brick disc path slowly collapse, there were only 2 roads left, Alycia headed towards the one that was rusty, she was ready to put her foot on it when she felt the contact of the wall on her back, it was too late to hesitate, so she started running on the rusty disks. Alycia made a good decision, it was the right way.

Alycia kept moving forward as the middle paths collapsed, Miaky watched this show, impressed, but suddenly she realized that the wall behind Alycia had doubled her speed, he was about to catch up with Alycia. She screamed for her best friend to hear,
Alycia suddenly felt that indeed, the wall had doubled its speed, if she don't accelerate the wall will make her fall into the void. Alycia began to run faster but are balanced failed her and her ankle twisted under the pressure of her body. Despite the intense pain Alycia continued to run after narrowly catching up.

She was lucky, this fall could have been fatal.
Alycia finally arrived at Miaky and jumped into her arms. The two girls heard a noise coming from behind her, a door had just opened, the wall continued to advance so the two girls headed for the door.

Miaky noticed that at the threshold of the door was a slide, you could not see the end, Alycia took her flashlight but when she tried to light it, she noticed that the batteries were exhausted. They had no choice, the wall was getting closer and closer then Miaky took place in one of the slides, Alycia did the same and settled next to her.
- What about a race?
Said Miaky to relax the atmosphere,
-here we go, 3,2,1, GO!!
Alycia slipped at a surprising speed while Miaky tried to catch her.
The end of the slide still did not appear while Miaky started to catch up with Alycia while giggling.

But are smiles disappeared immediately, the end of the slide made just appear, with the void below. Miaky screamed with all her might while trying to stop sliding,
Alycia in turn what awaited them at the end of the slide and did the same
But it was too late, the two girls fell into the void. Alycia screamed with all her might, and Miaky too.


Miaky suddenly landed on a bouncy castle, screamed pain, landed on her injured leg. Alycia was beside her:
- Miaky!Are you all right?
- my leg is hurt...
Miaky was right, blood began to overflow his bandage.
- Okay.. Come with me, we'll find a safe place to change your bandage,
She took Miaky in her arms, and put herself in a corner a little hidden in the bouncy castle. Miaky was sitting, while Alycia was looking for bandages in his bag.
- Oh well, I have some bandages!
She smiled a little despite her pain, she felt reassured that Alycia was there for her.

The brunette could not find a disinfectant so she grabbed a bottle of water, she first tested on her own skin to check that the water does not contain toxic or acidic product, everything was fine

Then she cleaned the wound before wrapping her legs with bandages, Miaky watched her do.
They then headed to the exit of the bouncy castle to analyze the new place where they landed, it was a small village.
Alycia walked with Miaky pressing on her shoulder, the village was quiet and colorful, each house had a different color.


Be continued

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