🌈Part 8🌱

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It looked like a doll house, everything was so sweet, a nostalgic smell enveloped Miaky, she had the impression of having already felt this smell, a little like a smell that accompanies someone you know, when this person forgets a garment and you feel its smell, You immediately know who owns it.

- your house is beautiful! says Miaky with a soft voice
No answer in return and a silence settled between the girl, the wounded, and the mysterious little girl.
Miaky broke the silence
- Do you mind if I use your bathroom?
Again without saying a word, the little girl looked Miaky straight in the eyes, she had bright eyes, a little like doll's eyes, she pointed to the stairs insisting her gaze plunged into Miaky's.

This one thanked her clumsily, she went up the markets of the stairs one by one, each step made a squeak to glaze the blood, once at the top, a long corridor dimly lit was in front of the rose, she advanced looking for the bathroom, and finally spot it.

She entered the bathroom, dropped Alycia in the bathtub and looked for the disinfectant in the tirroir.

Alycia Woke up
- M...Miaky
This one stood up
- yes?
- What is this place
- don't worry we're safe
Without hesitation a second more she approaches Alycia

- I'm in a tub?? said the brunette
- yeah, well try to take off your clothes where there are injuries
Alycia slightly pulled up her sleeves and skirts, she had injuries everywhere

- it might sting, says Miaky
To take precautions she poured disinfectant on a cotton pad she tested on her arm, nothing dangerous.
So she disinfected the cut of the brunette
- you even have some on your face and neck.. you really picked yourself up on the floor.
- mh..
- I finished, I'll ask the girl if you can take a bath or don't need it?
- yes, we would both need a bath
Miaky nodded, then left the room

- uh.. Excuse me, but are we allowed to use the bathtub? Asked the pink haired one
The dove again uttered no words.
She looked Miaky in the eye and approved with a simple nod
The rose smiled and climbed the stairs thanking her
She cried at the door
- it's okay, Alycia, you can take a bath! Come down when you're done, don't worry, I won't come in!
- Ok, thank you!

Miaky came down the stairs, the little girl was sitting in an armchair, a cup of tea in her hand.
She saw the old piano, and sat down in front of it, the rose touched a note, she jumped,
This piano sounded old, each note seemed to contain a memory, each note had been touched, each note was special and different, they all contained a memory.

Without hesitation she began to play, at each note her heart tightened. The song she played was called «old doll-mad father»
The little girl, on the armchair, looked at her, with empty eyes but nevertheless also filled with memories.

She watched Miaky's hands walk on the piano keyboard, like two people dancing without stopping.
Once the melody was over, Miaky stopped, she got up and sat on an armchair, and remained motionless, staring into the void.

The dove rose, and climbed the stairs.
Alycia, who had just finished came out of the bath and grabbed a towel, to wrap herself inside.
Suddenly two blows knocked on the door, then noises of steps on the stairs.
Alycia opened the door, there was no one, just a small basket on the floor, which contained clothes.

There were two identical dresses, and double accessories.
The brunette put on the dress, the bow, the socks, and the shoes.

She went down the creaking steps to join the other two
- I finished, and thank you very much for the clothes
Miaky smiled and climbed the stairs, Alycia sits on the chair where her best friend was.

A silence settled between the two girls, they both looked like dolls.
A puff of question invades the mind of La brune, sometimes questions without answers are worse than drowning in a bathtub, your heart accelerates, questions multiply, divide, worse than mathematics, and they remain unanswered.

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