🌈Part 2🌱

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The two girls are finally back on dry land, Miaky admired the landscape, they were on hills of grass, on almost all hills were small houses.
Alycia tried to enter one of the houses but it turns out that they are locked.. They then went in search of a shelter where to hide for the night.
Miaky stopped and began to contemplate the landscape, it was daylight and the sky was all blue with some small random clouds, a light wind and a bright sun.
-Alycia, don't move!
Alycia looked at Miaky in astonishment, when suddenly Miaky hugged Alycia.
The two girls began to fall and Miaky smiled without letting go of Alycia.
- Miaky, we're falling!
The two girls were rolling in the grass. Miaky got up at a surprising speed:
- ahah that was fun right?
Alycia rubbed her head laughing:
-I have pain everywhere, but we're down at the bottom
Alycia hooked her best friend to take down what worked, and they laugh even more.


The two girls were running in the hills laughing, she did not look for anything special except a small shelter or food.
Suddenly Miaky saw a door in the distance:
-Alycia look!!
Alycia looked in turn, once convinced of what they had just seen the two girls rushed towards the mysterious door,
Alycia expressed herself with fascination:
"It's strange why there's a door with nothing behind it?"
Indeed, there was just a door planted in the middle of a meadow, there was no house or walls around, just a door.
Something in the sky caught Miaky's eye as Alycia tried to open the door,
-A.. Alycia looks!" That's so beautiful!
Alycia looked into the sky but was not of the same opinion, she noted with horror that balloons floated in the sky in random directions, the most surprising is that in the places of balloons there were eyes.
-What the hell!??
Alycia was shocked but ended up finding it beautiful too.
Miaky remained admiring the «hot air balloons» while Alycia returned to her occupation, she was still trying to open the door. After a good ten minutes trying to find out what was behind the door, the wrist finally gave way and the door opened so brutally that Alycia found herself on the ground. Miaky turned and saw with surprise that this door, which seemed just normal, was far from the case. This door being similar to a kind of portal, gave way to a shopping center all desert and silent.
Miaky, still determined, did not hesitate for a second and put a firm foot on the doorstep to then enter the mall. Alycia, who had no other choice, did the same.
The door closed violently, Alycia turned with terror, Miaky followed her gesture, and the two girls realized that they were prisoners. Unless we find a way out.


Immediately their eyes were attracted by a pretty colorful and sweet candy shop, the two girls have the same tastes, they love sweets and colorful things, so colorful sweets are just perfect for them

Miaky opened the door of the shop and got ready to jump on a pile of blue candy but Alycia stopped her:
-Everything but not the blue ones, haven't you read the regulations silly?
Miaky looked at her with a complex air:
-What are you talking about? Oh, damn, I forgot they were...not good
After that Alycia took a pack of shamalow and other treats before heading out. Miaky looked at her stunned:
-Is that all you take? Is that all?
She said, filling her pockets with candy and chocolate bars.
Like any shopping mall, a little catchy melodies triggered without any explanation.

Miaky followed Alycia in a hurry. They were heading for the exit, because yes, they had found an "exit."
Suddenly a white flash blinded the two girls and she noticed that now there were people around them, but what is strange is that they all had no face, their eyes, their mouths, even their noses, everything had disappeared but that is not important.
On leaving the mall, the two girls noticed a big wheel, and many other fascinating ride! But one of them attracted the eye of the two girls, it was a thrill ride, it was a bit like a «circle» with seats placed in a circular way, all attached to a kind of bar, in this merry-go-round we can find ourselves upside down and it is as if we were flying in the sky!

Obviously they are thrill seekers and run without a single sample of hesitation to the ride, once in place, the ride started.
The ride went higher and higher, Miaky smiled with satisfaction, while Alycia had a bad feeling.
The attraction went forward and backward and higher and higher, the two had almost upside down.

And suddenly, the cheerful atmosphere and light disappeared, giving way to a dark sky and a silence so unbearable that we can tear our ears off. The merry-go-round no longer moved, the smile of the two missing girls, and Miaky was the first to scream in terror after realizing that the merry-go-round had suddenly stopped about fifteen meters from the ground. Alycia screamed in terror too, she raised her head slightly to see with horror that everyone in the attraction had disappeared again, as indeed throughout the mall and the park.
The two girls are stuck, with no way out.


Be continued

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