18. Am I going to die?

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Third-Person Point of View:

The black night sky's canvas is filled with orange and red colours as the sun decides to grace his presence on the entire world, filling the warmth in billions of people and animals but his warmth fails to give comfort to a single soul, and we know who he is.

He lets out a sign gazing at the other side of the bed with a yawn. He walks out of their room in search of his warmth and there she is busy preparing to murder his muscles.

He pressed his head in frustration and confusion as this was the seventh day and nothing changed. He knew she was aware of his presence but still dared to ignore him.

One week since the fateful night he was kissed by his wife and one week since he heard her voice. Special mention: it was a kiss on the cheek not on the lips, his mind reminded him every day.

In any attempt to make her feel comfortable, he was getting uncomfortable.

After seeing her little cute stunt he decided to give her some space and thought the morning would be the same as every day.


Alas, if only he was right.

He would have lived a peaceful life but life is complicated and his wife decided to invite it into their life, home, and bedroom.

He doesn't have an idea what is running in his shy wife's head but the result was him being ignored by her.

She is ignoring him like a plague. In the morning, she wakes up early and cooks breakfast for him. Serving the food she runs to their room with one or another reason and walks out the moment his plate is empty, taking the plate she runs into the kitchen and again appears before him with a big basket of lunch. She is cooking double the amount of food so that she can spend more time in the kitchen because of it Aman is having a great time of his life.

He scowled, as Aman's grin appeared in his mind. He doesn't want to share his lunch which is made by his wife only for him but the amount of food is overkill for his beloved muscles. He is already spending an extra hour in the gym. So, he decided to dump it in Aman's stomach.

He recalls the first day she packed her breakfast and ate it in college only to avoid him as he offered to wait for her and the craziest thing in all this is, she is using sign language with him.

He was surprised that she knew sign language and he was even more stunned as he understood every sign.

Because all she did was only one sign that showed her palm as a wait signal and the rest of it his mind understood.

Leaning on the entrance of the kitchen, Arnav observed her every action. Today he was determined to end this ignorance game of hers.

He walked closer to her without any noise and snaked his one hand on her waist and the other held the spatula. He doesn't want to get beaten up by his wife.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He placed his chin on her shoulder, sucking the life out of her.

Her hands halted actions, her palms sweated and a shiver ran through her spine with his proximity. She gulped hearing his question.

The entire week she ignored him but now it seems impossible. She can't even run away.

"Khushi, Answer me" She heard him again, She closed her eyes racking her mind for any excuse.

But, nothing popped as her mind was shut down by his closeness.

Hey, Devi Maiya, What is happening to me?

She felt her heartbeat fasten, The same feelings she had been getting since the time she met this man.

Initially, it was a little faster but now it seems her heart might bounce out of its place.

Do I have any deadly disease?

"Khushi" His voice came a little louder. He was still in the same position making it impossible for her to talk.

Still, gathering her non-existent courage. She stammered. "I.....I a..am no....not igno..ignoring yo.u"

Arnav tilted his face to see his wife's red face.

Is she blushing?

"Then, why are you not talking to me?" He turned her around in his arms and placed the spatula aside.

Khushi gasped, her hands reached his shoulders for balance. She wriggled a little but his arms were tighter than a cage.

"Khushi, look at me" It came out as an order. He was fed up with ignorance.

Her breath hitched and her body stiffened. His voice was always sweet and calm but now it was different. She looked everywhere except at him.

He held her chin and made her look into his eyes. This action caused her accelerated heart to cause an accident.

She placed her hands on her heart in an attempt to stop it but accidents can't be stopped.

"Hey, what happened?" His voice became soft as he saw her face losing its colour.

He forgot her ignorance and panicked. "Khushi, Is something bothering you?" He asked his eyes on her hands.

She again lost in those eyes after running away for one week.

I am sure I have a deadly disease. My heart will explode along with my body.

But I wanted to live.

Her eyes became wet and said out loud.
"Am I going to die?" He heard her and his breath hitched.

What is his wife asking?


Cold sweat formed on his forehead. "Are you mad?" He yelled at her.

For the first time, he yelled at her. He closed his eyes to control his emotions.
"Let's go to the hospital" He held her hand and started walking.

Khushi came out of her thoughts and realized the blunder she made. She halted and held his hand.

"I..." she tried to say but he interrupted.

"If you were not feeling well, you could have told me.
Anyway, don't waste time.
Let's go to the hospital" Khushi saw panic and sadness in his eyes.

She felt guilty for ignoring him and blabbering out her thoughts.

"Arnavji, I am fine," Khushi said, pulling his hand.

Arnav gazed at her for a good five seconds and uttered. "I don't think so"

"I am," She said a little loudly.

"Then, why did you say that?" He was unable to utter the word.

She was silent and unable to meet his gaze she turned around but the next second she was pulled into his arms.

"I want answers, Khushi" She knew he was serious, his eyes were deep and blank. She never saw his blank eyes. An unknown fear erupted in her.

She signed internally, she had to answer his questions. Hearing her, he might laugh at her or scold her. She closed her eyes and prepared herself before speaking.
"My heart is beating at a fast pace near you.
And, I feel it is because of you.
So, I am avoiding you.
And, I thought it was a disease that's why I said it" She kept looking at the ground.

She felt his hands loosen, and taking the chance she escaped to her room.

Arnav stared at the way his wife ran.
"What the!!!!" Unknowing he uttered, followed by a smile.

To be continued............


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