Vivians pov

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So they did have a purpose for me but it wasn't much of a purpose really,but it was better than being dead or tortured. And shockingly they had decided to set me free. I didn't quite know what to do with my freedom just yet though. These aliens were kind to me for reasons I didn't know. Desmond was trying to make conversation about the fruit I was eating so I gave him my best response. I don't know how long I'll be mad at him for, perhaps forever. I was mostly mad at him for ruining my planet and the years I had to struggle to survive. The family I had before the war was abusive towards me so I didn't mind that they died during the war after I separated from them,or at least I assumed they were dead.
I know thats coldhearted but when your yelled at and slapped around all the time you get tired of caring.

"What are you thinking about little Terran." The prince asked softly with a look of concern across his face.

"'s nothing.. I just need to do something with my new life now i guess. I was just having memories of how awful my old one was..but I'd prefer not to talk about that." I stuttered.

"Tomorrow we'll be landing on our planet... we'll be having a huge celebration, and you my dear will be our very special guest." Desmond said smiling down at me. His eyes clearly full of excitement to show me to his people like the trophy I was. I frowned at the thought of a bunch of aliens gawking at me.

"There will be drinking and dancing if that's something your interested in." Valerian added.

"That sounds like fun." I said a bit excitedly

I turned to look at Desmond.
"Are your guards going to make sure I don't get harmed or am I going to have to look out for myself. Im much smaller than your species I just don't want to get taken advantage of you know what I mean." I said seriously.

"Don't worry about that, I'll be your escort." The prince said a little to quickly. Desmond gave him a glare that made me question his intensions. I was satisfied enough with the answers they had given me and had enough conversation for the day so I got up from my seat with my tray in hand. I walked over to the kitchen and placed the tray in the sink.
I came back to the table to say my goodbyes when I realized that I didn't know how to get back to my room.
" Could you help me get back to my room." I asked looking at both of them nervously.

"Valerian will escort you, I have work to get to." Desmond said and walked out the dinning hall.

" Do you really not know the way back to your room or were you trying to get rid of my brother." The prince smirked as he held out his hand for me to take.

"I really don't know the way back and my rooms not labeled ,all the doors look the same." I said backing away from his hand

The prince frowned. " You let me kiss your hand yesterday yet you won't let me hold it. How strange I've never been rejected before." He said jokingly.

"Just escort me to my room." I said with my hands on my hips and my cheeks flushed

"As you wish." The prince stated and began leading me to my room. When we got to my door I walked in and he followed after.

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