Valerians pov

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"Did you see her dancing last night." I said to my brother as he sat down for breakfast.

"I did. She dances very well. I would have joined her on the dance floor but I don't want to take her from you brother." He teased.

"...and besides I'm sure she still hates me for taking her planet, I don't think I have a chance with her." He added with a sorrowful tone.

"Did any other women catch your eye last night." I asked

" Two of the women she was dancing with did actually but I didn't make any advances, I want to make sure I make the right choice." Desmond stated as he took a bite of his food.

"I want to make Vivian mine but I'm unsure about if she'll be able to have children or not. Do you think she'd let us do some testing." I asked curiously.

" She'd likely hate anything our doctors would do to her. She freaked out when she found the scar from her cysts removal." Desmond sighed.

Just as I was about to say something else Vivian walked into the garden wearing a pink  spaghetti strap dress with a belt of jewels across her hip. She fixed herself a plate of food and sat beside me.  I let her eat before I pried her with questions.
"Would you let our doctors do some testing. It's necessary that they do if you want to partner with our species."

Her eyes went wide and i heard her heart beat harder in her chest. "What would they do to me?" She replied.

"First they would need to draw blood to compare our DNA. Then they would check to make sure your fertile." I explained.

"I don't want to but it's something that needs to be done. Could you make a appointment for me?" She said fearfully.
Her hand shook as she reached for the glass of juice she had poured herself.
"I'll drive you to the lab myself." I told her.
She took my hand and I walked her to my car. She was fine at first ontill it started hovering and we took off into the sky.
"Fuck! Warn me first you asshole. I didn't know the car could fly!" She yelled.

I started laughing and she stared out the window at the clouds.
When we landed at the lab I ordered two of the doctors to assist us. They stopped what they were doing and took us to a private room.

"We need to see if her species is compatible with ours." I said.

The doctors walked up to her and sat her down. They drew her blood then asked me for mine. They asked her to lay down on the examining table and she gave me a frightened look as she laid on it and clamped her legs shut.
She was shaking so much. I couldn't stand how frightened she looked.
I walked over and took her hand.

The doctors pulled down a scanner and hovered it over her stomach. It showed how many eggs she had and if everything was functioning properly. After the scan was done they took our DNA and put it in a machine that told us our results.

"Shes capable of having our species children,and those hybrids will be able to have children as well." The doctor said to both of us.

"Your menstrual cycle will be starting soon so make sure your eating well." The doctor said and handed Vivian a box of pads and turned to pull something else out of a drawer. "Here are some herbs that prevent pregnancy and here are some that help get you pregnant." The doctor smiled.

Vivian left with her hands full of supplies and was quite the whole ride home. When we landed I opened the car door for her. " Thank you for taking me to the lab." She said and hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.  Then I called for a servant to carry her supplies up to her room.  "Do you have anything planned for today." She asked.

"Just some paperwork after dinner." I told her.

" I was thinking you could help me research some more things about your planet, like the animals and the poisonous plants...topics that I need to know basically." She requested.

"I'd be more than happy to help." I said.

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