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The tattooed alien looked down at me and smirked. "To afraid to answer me?"
He asked as he crossed his muscled arms and looked to Desmond.
"You finally conquered that planet didn't you and now your keeping this one as a little pet instead of renovating that planet."  He tsked.

I stomped up to the rude alien guest.
"I am no ones pet." I said as I pulled the collar of his shirt down so that he'd be level with me.

Suddenly I was slammed against my door with my wrist pinned. I gasped as he grabbed my chin and lifted it.

"Oh could be my pet darling." He murmured sensualy in my ear. Chills went up my entire body and my face flushed.

"Let her go Silas." Desmond commanded.

"Of course." He said as he let go of my wrist and I fell to the floor.

He turned to walk away and Desmond followed.

I stayed in my room till dinner was over. I didn't eat with Desmond or Valerian because I knew their rude guest would most likely be eating with them.
It was very late when Valerian walked in my room with my dinner. He had a concerned look on his face. " I heard what happened." He said as he entered my room.
"Im surprised you stood up to him, Desmond doesn't even threaten him due to his strength and yet you did. Desmond told me you grabbed Silas by the collar of his shirt to threaten him.I'm proud of you for being so brave but you really should be careful. He's a powerful being.You could have gotten severely injured." Valerian said as he set my food down on a table in my room.

"Did Desmond tell you he called me a pet. Is that all I am is a pet. " I cried into my pillow.

Valerian rubbed my back as I cried.
"No you are much more Vivian." He responded softly.

My stomach cramped tightly as I cried and I curled up into a ball. " Shit! Did he injure you?" Valerian said and lifted my tank top to expose my stomach.

"No I'm cramping." I said as I quickly grabbed my tank top to pull it down.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Valerian asked.

"I don't think so, I have what I need. I just need to rest more this week." I explained.

"Alright. Make sure you rest well, because tomorrow night we'll be having another party, this time it's to welcome Silas to our planet so be careful around him and don't threaten him. Desmond needs to come up with a payment for him before any tension strikes between our planets." Valerian warned.

  "I'll try." I sighed.

Valerian patted my shoulder and got up to walk out my door.
"Goodnight, I'll see you at the party." He said softly.

Silas's pov*

This  dinner meeting with Desmond was going nowhere. He was in my debt and yet he had nothing good to trade me. There was nothing he possessed that I needed.
Our last successful trade was very profitable to me.I traded some of my planets fuels and in return he gave me some of his planets food and seeds. This trade I had given him fuel again but I was unsure of what I wanted in return, since his planet was so prosperous and full of life I suspected he'd have something much more valuable that I might want. Come to find out he'd taken the planet Earth and wasn't even using it. It seemed like such a waste letting that planet go unused. Perhaps I'd ask him for that planet...but there was one problem. Something in my way. If I took that planet the puny little human would come with it and I wouldn't be able to do anything with the planet untill her life was over. Perhaps I could get rid of her but how.

Once that useless meeting was over i wandered the halls of Desmonds mansion towards my room. I heard voices coming from the humans room and I listened in on their conversation. I heard a males voice. I listened more closely. It was the princes voice, he was calming the poor humans crying. Was he perhaps...her lover. The way he spoke to her made it seem like he was. Then I realized something, if he was her lover I could shape shift myself as him and kill her. The guards would suspect that the prince killed her and id make Desmond sign over the planet to me. It was the perfect plan.

Grinning deviously I entered my room and practiced shape shifting into the prince.
I bent over to look into the bathroom mirror. I had to make sure I was his exact likeness or else she'd suspect something. This man I had shifted into was smaller than my original form and it bothered me. I preferred my larger form much more than any other form,it struck fear into peoples hearts much more. I laughed as I thought of the fearful look on the little humans face as I teased her in the hall. As fearful as she did look though,she certainly was brave. I had never been threatened before like that. I adjusted the collar of my shirt as I thought of her.

"What a peculiar human." I scoffed as I took on my original form and stripped myself of my clothes. As I laid in bed I thought of the ways I could kill the little human.

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