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That drink Valerian gave me was kicking in. The room was starting to spin a bit and I was starting to feel euphoric. I built up my confidence and started dancing with Valerian like the other women danced with their men.

I crouched down and slowly slid my hands up Valerians legs. Then I turned and slowly rubbed myself against him. Grinding away letting the alcohol and sensual music take me. "Fuck." he murmured. I giggled and turned to see the feral expression on his face. His pointed ears were arched back and his eyes were wild with lust. He grabbed me around my waist and spun me. As I turned I flayed my arms about gracefully. "You like teasing me don't you." He whispered in my ear as he pulled me close.  " I think your the one that teases me actually. Ever since you met me you've been flirting with me." I replied confidently.
"I can't help it." He admitted as he grabbed my hips to pull me more firmly against him as we danced together.
I turned to face him and bent down, moving my hips in a rolling motion as I moved my hands from up my thighs to my stomach and up to the top sides of my breasts. It was a dance move that I knew would drive him wild. After he saw me do that he couldn't take it any longer.
" Let's go somewhere more private." He purred in my ear. He grabbed me by the waist and took me to a pavilion that was hidden by trees. "Wait here." He said.
Then he came back with a bottle of wine.
He poured me a glass and I sipped on it.
"Thank you." I said sweetly.
He watched me as I finished my glass.
" I want you to keep dancing like that for me." He murmured

I watched him as he sat down on the bench that was under the pavilion. Then he pulled me to him. "Dance." He ordered.
A chill went up my spine and I did as he ordered. I rolled my hips and rubbed my hands against myself and twirled. I started to mess with my hair as I danced so that he would admire it more, as well as my body. When I was done he pulled me close.
"Your going to drive me crazy little Terran." He murmured and pushed my hair behind my ear.

The world spun and my legs wobbled, I almost fell out of his grasp. "I think I drank to much Val, I need to take a break." I sighed.
Suddenly he lifted me as if I weighed nothing and started walking me over to a blanket that was full of Zolarian women that were touching up each other's makeup.
"Then now is the perfect time to mingle." He winked as he set me down and walked over to Desmond who was sitting in a large chair admiring the celebration.

The women who were just as drunk as me gasped.  " Shes so cute and tinyyy." They squealed together.

"Come here and let me do your makeup." One begged.

I laid down on their blanket and they started doing my makeup and my hair.

"Your lucky the prince likes you. I've been trying to get him to notice me for years."
The woman who was doing my makeup sighed. She had short brown hair and a tan complexion and wore a light pink outfit that was similar to mine but had jewels at the top of it.

Another Zolarian woman who was adding flowers to my hair bent down to whisper something in my ear and the other women bent closer to hear what she was going to say.
" Desmonds going to need a queen soon, so we're trying to seduce him." She giggled.

The others nodded in agreement and looked back to see if Desmond was looking at them. Desmond was busy talking with Valerian about something when suddenly he looked to the blanket that we were sitting on. Some of the girls waved to Desmond and he smiled at them. The girls turned and giggled, covering their faces. I felt like I was at some kind of sleepover hanging out with these women.

"You know girls I think I know what will get the kings attention." I said with a devilish grin.

"If we all dance together like we do with men." I said pointing at a woman who was dirty dancing on a soldier.

The women thought that was a wonderful idea and got up to dance. The one in the pink who was doing my makeup dragged me to the dance floor.  We began dancing together as a group switching partners. Soon our group attracted many men. One of the soldiers that I recognized as Valerians friend came up to me and grabbed me by the waist pulling me in to dance with me.
" Your one of Valerians friends aren't you." I asked.

"I am. My names Tavian." He smiled exposing very sharp fangs. He had drown hair and broad muscles. His chest i noticed looked a bit larger that Valerians. I let Tavian dance with me but I didn't grind on him like I did Valerian, I simply spun between his arms, and rolled my hips while using sensual hand motions. Suddenly Tavian spun me and I bumped into someone. It was Valerian, he smirked as I pulled away from his chest.
"I'm glad you're having fun." He smiled at me.

"Thanks for giving her back Tavian." He teased as he lifted me up taking me away from Tavian. I laughed as I was thrown over his shoulders.

"Where are you taking me." I giggled.

"Home." He purred and my thighs clenched together. He was taking me towards the mansion.  I started to shake a bit with nervousness. Hopefully he didn't intend on doing what I think he was going to do.

My view of the mansion once we entered it was very little. All I could see was the floor due to me being thrown over Valerians shoulder.

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