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Vivians pov*

When i got to Valerians room he patted his couch motioning for me to sit by him. I sat on the cushion next to him. He pulled out a remote and a gigantic screen came down from the ceiling and went against the wall. He pushed the search button on the remote and chose a documentary for me to watch. The animals of his planet looked much more scary than the ones on my planet. The animals teeth were more jagged and sharp. Some of the smaller animals weren't scary though and were very cute and colorful. Some of the species that looked like cats and birds had colorful fur and feathers. After the animal documentary was over he turned on the plant one and got up to call a servant to bring us lunch.
The servant brought in a tray of sandwiches with a bright red meat on them and a whole tray of many different desserts.
Cakes and cookies and bowls of colorful fluffy looking stuff that smelled fruity.

" I picked foods with iron and sugar in them since you'll be starting you menstrual cycle soon." Valerians explained as I made my plate.

Valerian ate many of the desserts from the tray I had noticed. "You like sweets a lot don't you?" I asked.

"I do." He smiled.

"Tomorrow I'm going to go hunting with Tavian. Would you want to come with?"

"Sure that sounds like fun." I said excitedly.

"Afterwards we could swim in the lake to cool off." Valerian added.

*Valerians pov

After she had dinner with us I got to my paperwork on my desk. I sighed looking at the huge stack. All this paperwork I had been doing lately was details on the ownership of the planet Earth.  Desmond didn't even want the planet, he only conquered it to protect his people and yet here I was doing his paperwork. One of the sheets of paperwork I came across was details on trophys like Vivian. I read though it thoroughly. Even though Vivian was given freedom she is still considered the trophy . If Desmond ever signed over her planet to another person she'd go along with it. Hopefully that's something my brother was aware of and would never do.

When I got done with the paperwork for Vivian and her planet I came across some of Desmonds paperwork. It was mistakenly put on my desk by a servant. I let my curiosity take over me and I read through the papers.
It turned out it wasn't paperwork after all but a letter from Silas. He was the ruler of our neighboring planet and we often traded our resources with him. It turns out we are in his debt and hes requesting a meeting on our planet.

Silas was a man that I disliked very much but Desmond seemed to like him. His race was the mischievous kind that liked to play tricks on people. They were shapshifters who could take any form of any being in the galaxy. So when he visited our planet i usually stayed far away from him.

"I wonder what he wants." I pondered.
I scooped up the letter and took it to my brother.
"Silas is requesting a meeting." I grumbled.

"Oh really?" He replied and took the letter from me.

"I really think we should stop trading with him, he just seems so sketchy. If he pulled the right trick he could easily take our planet Desmond." I insisted.

"He knows our weapons are far more powerful than his, I don't think that's something he'd risk. " Desmond countered.

I sighed in aggravation and walked out my brothers door. I really wish he'd take my advice sometimes.

I walked through the garden behind the mansion to clear my head of that horrible man ,and stared up at Vivians balcony. To my surprise she was still awake and looking up at the moonlit sky, her long hair flowed behind her on a soft breeze. She wore a white silk spaghetti strap nightgown with lace trimming. She was so beautiful, far more beautiful than the women of my planet and her small stature didn't bother me. I've only spent a few days with her but ever since I met her I've felt this connection like I've never felt before.

She was just about to look down and I quickly hid in the bushes. I didn't want her to find me staring at her like some creep. She probably already thinks I am one. I probably come off to strong when I flirt with her and talk about her choosing a partner.

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