thoughts and plans

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Vivians pov*

As I sat in my room I thought of what life would be like with Silas if I didn't escape.
I didn't hate him enough to kill him anymore that was one thing I knew for certain. I just wasn't sure what my heart wanted. Did I want to return to Zolar. If I lived there I would have to abide by Desmond's rules, but would they even take me back? Technically they think I'm dead so I wouldn't be the trophy anymore. They wouldn't need me. The only person that would probably want me would be Valerian. Maybe he'd already forgotten about me by now and got with someone else. I really thought that what me and Valerian had was special but apparently not if I'm falling for Silas. If I truly was in love with Valerian I'm sure I wouldn't be giving in to Silas so easily.

I pressed my hand to my lips thinking about how I felt when me and Silas kissed. He made my heart pound so excitedly in my chest everytime we kissed and I felt warm inside. Something about his kiss made my lips tingle and feel numb as if they were aching for more. It just felt right as if we were meant to be together. Something about him I was drawn to but I didn't understand what it was. I ought to be ashamed of myself for falling for these alien men so quickly,I thought to myself.

I walked inside my walk in closet and picked a dress from one of the racks. It was a black ball gown dress with a heart shaped neckline and a corset-like midsection. Star patterns and swirl designs covered the bottom of it.
I figured Silas would like this one..maybe if I dressed pretty all the time and kept being sweet he'd let me outside. We would just have to earn each others trust for now untill then I guess.

After picking my dress I went to take a bath. As I stripped off the white dress I looked at myself in the mirror... specifically at my neck.
I had 4 bite marks from him on me. One on the left from the first time then 3 more bite marks on the right side of my neck. I looked like a vampire took advantage of me. I laughed to myself as I got in the tub.

The water relaxed my body as I got in it and I closed my eyes as I enjoyed its warmth.
Then I started scrubbing my body thoroughly with a sponge and I paused just as I was about to scrub my stomach.
If I were to be with Silas would I survive the pregnancy? His own mother didn't even survive and she was a shapeshifter herself.
It was something that was starting to worry me very much. At least him and I weren't having sex yet so I didn't have to worry about it till then.

Silas's pov*

She probably needed time to think things over and wanted to take advantage of her new privacy. I might have scared her though when I was talking about my mothers pregnancy and death. She likely feared having my children now and was hiding away from me. I hoped not. If she didn't come out of her room tonight then I would check on her and explain that I would never let that happen to her.

I was loosing my mind sitting there by myself on the couch. So I got up and started ordering the servants to make lunch for me and her and to start their prep for dinner as well. Then I went for a walk outside in my  rose garden as I waited for lunch time to come around. If only I could take her outside without her running to my ship.
I wanted to show her my planet myself but I just didn't want to risk loosing her.
Maybe soon I'd be able to take her out of the house.

I heard one of the balcony doors open and I turned to see that she was approaching its edge to look down. She looked like a queen from up there. She noticed me down in the garden and started waving at me.

"I wish I could come down there with you, your garden looks beautiful from up here!" She called to me from the balcony.

"Hold on I'll come to you!" I smiled.

I shifted myself a pair of wings and flew up to her.

"Whoa. You look like a angel." She said approaching my wings and touching them.

"Careful love..there sensitive." I warned as she felt the feathers.

"Could you show me your garden please? I wanna go outside." She begged.

"I promise I'll stay right by you." She added.

"I have a feeling your going to make a run for my ship again." I said as i raised my brows.

"I can't run fast in this big poofy dress...if I did run you or one of your guards would catch me right away." She laughed as she messed with the heavy skirting of her dress.

"That is true. Alright hold on tight to me,I'll fly us down." I reasoned.

"That's pretty far down." She said backing away from me.

"What's wrong, you scared of heights?" I smirked deviously. Then I snatched her up into my arms and flew us down.

"Ahhhhhh you asshole!! Put me down!" She screamed.

When we landed she was glaring at me sassily and fixing her hair that was everywhere.

" Never ever do that again." She sighed as she finished fixing her hair.

"What if I did do it again hmm?" I teased.

"Then I'll never kiss you ever again." She said as she crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at me.

"That would be a horrible consequence indeed." I mused as I stole a kiss from her lips. Then I guided her through the rose bushes towards the center of the garden where my small pavilion was.
I kneeled before her under the pavilion and pressed her hand to my lips.

" Vivian I..." I was just about to tell her how I felt when suddenly Ezra, Atlan and Jasper came down from the sky full of drunken laughter. They were in the same angelic form as me but shifted back to their original forms once they landed.

"Silas!! Thank God your back from Zolar,these two knuckle heads have been driving me crazy." Ezra complained.

"Ooo you brought someone home with you. Who is she?" Atlan mused as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Shes kinda short for a Zolarian don't ya think." Atlan went on.

"That's not a Zolarian Atlan." Jasper said as he rubbed his temple in aggravation.

"It's good that your all here actually I have a lot to discuss with you, come join us for lunch." I ordered. I'd let Vivian introduce herself when she's ready.

Vivians pov*

Silas was just about to tell me something when three male shifters came out of the sky. Apparently they would be joining us for lunch.

As I was eating my lunch I noticed that all of these men had tattoos similar to Silas's and they looked just as big and strong as him as well. The one known as Atlas was pissing off the other two today and Silas found it very humorous. They were all laughing and joking about what they did while Silas was gone and were begging him to go drinking with them soon. Then they started discussing more important matters and I was given introductions to them.

"Vivian, this is my general Atlas. He commands my army's." Silas said pointing to the blond male with a tan complexion.

"And this is my second in command Jasper, if anything ever happened to Atlas he would take over his duties." Silas explained pointing to the white haired male.

"And I'm Ezra, I stitch up these morons when they train to hard." Ezra explained giving Atlan and Jasper a glare.

I didn't tell the males who I was after they were introduced and Silas wasted no time telling his generals and who I assumed was his doctor his plans.

"Atlan I have a new task for you. You and your legion will go to earth and start renovations, I'll give you the layout and paperwork later. Jasper you will take over Atlan's duties while hes gone and Ezra I need to have a private discussion with you later." Silas ordered.

They all lowered their heads in understanding and respect at the orders he had given.

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