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Vivians pov*

It was early in the morning when I left my room to get breakfast, I wanted to make sure that I ate before the men woke up.
I entered the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of fruits to eat for my breakfast and a cup of water. I took my breakfast outside to eat in the garden where I knew I would have privacy,but as I approached the table in the garden I saw Valerian, Desmond and Silas eating together. Apparently they had started their day early. I went to turn around and take my food inside when I heard Desmond call for me.

" Come eat with us. " He ordered.

I turned back around with I sigh and took the empty seat at the table beside Valerian.
Once I was seated the men started discussing what they would be trading.
"I don't understand why you won't except more seeds and plants. Your planet needs more plant life for your people to survive." Valerian insisted.

"It did but not anymore. After the last successful trade my planet has been much more prosperous." Silas countered.

"Then what do you want." Desmond asked.

"What else do you have to offer?" Silas responded bleakly.

" We have many wines and alcoholic beverages, fine fabrics and materials, wood,metals, Jems, herbs, medicines... almost anything you can think of except we lack the fuel that your planet produces." Desmond ventured.

"I would have to think it over, perhaps tonight I'll have an answer." Silas mused.

"Perhaps drugs would be something he would be interested in Desmond." I laughed.

"Why would I be interested in that prey tell."
Silas looked at me menacingly.

"Because you look like the kind of guy that needs to relax." I said as I placed my head in my hands and stared him down.

"We do have many plants that when eaten cause a euphoric sensation, and some even cause hallucinations." Desmond mentioned to break the tension between us.

Valerian coughed and nudged me under the table. He was signaling for me to be quiet.

"How observant you are human, perhaps it is something worth considering." Silas pondered.

"Will I be seeing you at the party tonight?" He added.

"I'll be there." I said and got up to leave.

"Wait!" Silas called after me and I halted.

He plucked a rose from the bushes surrounding the garden and handed it to me. " For being so considerate." He said softly and kissed my hand.

My face flushed and I yanked my hand away. " Thank you." I said and quickly walked into the mansion.

Silas's pov*

The humans joke made me want to end her life in a much more painful way. Tonight I was going to disguise myself as the prince and kill her then make Desmond sign over the planet Earth to me and id leave. That was the plan and I had to keep up appearances , I couldn't have them suspecting that I wanted to kill her so I put on my most flattering smile and gave her a rose. I gently kissed her hand and that seemed like enough to put Desmond and his brother at ease a bit.
When I sat back down at the table I could see the jealousy on the princes face. He was pissed that I made his woman blush. It amused me, perhaps at lunch time I would make him jealous again.

"That human woman...does she have a mate?" I smirked.

Valerian clenched his fist.

"Shes not mated...she hasn't been on our planet for very long but she's showing interest in finding a partner." Desmond said coldly.

Perhaps he to had feelings for this human. Interesting.

Vivians pov*

I walked in my room and  threw Silas's rose in the trash.  That prick confused me with his sudden kindness. I took him for a rude asshole but perhaps he was actually kind deep down. Was it my fault he was being rude to me? Was he mad at me for taking so long to greet him yesterday or did he hate my species. It was something I had trouble understanding. I thought of how he pinned my wrist to the door yesterday and my thighs clenched. I shook my head in aggravation and sighed. Why did these aliens have to be so sexy?

I didn't want Desmond to be mad at me for treating Silas so rudely so I decided to do something kind for the both of them.
I went into the kitchen and I asked one of the servants to help me make a special dessert for Silas and Desmond.
I had decided that cupcakes would probably be the best option since it was a dessert I was good at making. I put a different flavor icing on each one so that there would be many flavors to pick from.

I walked the cupcakes to the garden table once lunch time came around.

"I made these for you." I said looking to Silas.
"I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot,I hope that we can get along." I said sweetly.

Silas looked a bit shocked that I had forgiven him.
" How sweet of you." He said as he grabbed a cupcake and took a bite.

"The cupcakes are for you to Desmond." I said as I handed him one.

"Thank you." Desmond replied with a understanding smile.

He knew this was my way of apologizing to them and I was very happy that they accepted it. I sat down and made myself a plate of lunch.  As I ate i noticed that Silas was pondering something. He seemed so deep in thought. His hair swayed in the breeze and his light blue eyes stared into the distance. He was truly beautiful when he wasn't being so cruel. I stared at his swirl of tattoos that went up his neck. The markings were so strange and alien that I pondered if they were really tattoos or something he was born with.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked softly.

He turned his head to me and looked into my eyes.

"I'm thinking of the party tonight." He quickly replied.

" Is the party going to under the pavilion outside?" I asked Desmond.

"It will be outside and inside this time." Desmond replied.

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