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Chaerin was confused when she saw her youngest who had just opened the door and then slumped down with a red face. She walked over and squatted in front of her youngest.

"Baby, why?"

"Uh...I'm going to explode, mom"

"What? explode how? Baby, why else is your face red like this, hm?" asked Chaerin in a worried tone, cupping her youngest's sweet face.

"Mommy...why is my heartbeat different now?"

"Your heartbeat? what do you mean baby, mom doesn't understand"

"This is my heartbeat, w-why is it different from the previous beats," said Yoongi, placing his mother's palm on his chest.

"Mommy, you feel it, right?"

Chaerin was silent, feeling the child's pounding that was beating so fast inside.

"Have you been running around?"

"Yes," Yoongi answered with a slow nod

"This is probably because you were running around just now"

"No, Mom, this heartbeat was already there when I fell on Jungkook Sunbae's body earlier," Yoongi honestly said, making the wrinkles on Chaerin's forehead visible.

"Jungkook? who's he?"

"My senior, hyung's friend too," Yoongi answered

"You're being taken home by Jungkook?" and Yoongi nodded honestly

"hyung, where?"

"He said he had something to do with his friend."

Chaerin closed her eyes, then looked back at her youngest.

"Don't think about it, it's just a pounding heart because you were running or maybe you were shocked because you fell," said Chaerin, stroking Yoongi's mane

Yoongi slowly nodded, thinking that what his mother said was true. Slowly he stood up, then excused himself and went to his room.

When he reached his room, Yoongi immediately lay down on the bed. His mind drifted to a few minutes ago, where he fell on the athletic body of Jungkook Adelio Williams.

"Am I really in love with Jungkook sunbae?" he muttered, he touched his chest which was still pounding especially when he remembered what happened earlier

"But hyung said, Jungkook sunbae still loves his ex. So what should I do?"

"Ugh...I'm confused" he quickly got up and went into the bathroom to clean himself

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Jungkook was standing on the balcony of his room. He put his left hand in his trouser pocket, while in his right hand he had a cigarette tucked away which he was smoking casually.

"What's really wrong with me?" he muttered, then took another sip of his cigarette

He's been standing there since he came home from taking Yoongi home, for some reason he feels the feelings he once felt for his ex-girlfriend.

"Impossible..." he muttered shaking his head

Jungkook shook his head brutally, then put out his cigarette and went into the room to rest.

Dinner arrived, now the Ivander family was at the dining table eating their dinner quietly. Ivander put away his spoon and fork, then looked at his two children.

"Maybe this is not the right time to talk about this, but daddy has to go abroad tomorrow."

"W-what? Why is it so sudden, dad?" said Yoongi, with a face that didn't accept it. He really hated it when his father left the country, because he would definitely bring his mother too to accompany him.

"Sorry baby, daddy also suddenly got a call a few hours ago."

"So Yoongi lives with Yuna Ahjumma again?" Jaebum asked

"No, Yoongi is just here with you. Later, let Mommy call Yuna Ahjumma and tell her to come here," explained Chaerin, who Jaebum nodded.

Meanwhile, Yoongi can only remain silent, his house will definitely be quiet because he won't have any friends. Even though Jaebum was there, his brother would definitely be running around playing with his friends.

"Don't be sad, then hyung won't go outside to play. hyung will just bring hyung's friends here, how about it hm?" Jaebum asked, as if he knew what his younger brother was thinking

"Really hyung?"

"Hm, can I dad?"

"Yes, but don't do anything bad at home," said Ivander, and Jaebum gave him a thumbs up.

"By the way, how long will dad be there?" Yoongi asked

"2 months maybe"

"T-two months?!! That took so long, Dad," Yoongi was shocked, then pursed his lips in annoyance.

"Sorry baby, the problem there is said to be complicated. That's why they told daddy to go there"

"Okay, the important thing is don't forget the souvenirs," said Yoongi, and his father nodded quickly.

They continued their dinner quietly, without any chatter whatsoever.

Yoongi couldn't sleep, his mind kept replaying the incident this afternoon when he fell on top of Jungkook's body.

"Come on, sleep, Yoongi, sleep..." he muttered, closing his eyes trying to sleep, but couldn't.

"Ish... why aren't my eyes sleeping!" Annoyed, he got up, left the room and went into his brother's room. 

"baby? why aren't you sleeping yet, hm?" Jaebum asked when he saw his younger brother open the door to his room

"I can't sleep hyung"

"Why? Something is bothering you, isn't it?" Jaebum guessed, and Yoongi nodded in agreement

"What, try telling hyung here"

"E-eum... I think I really like Jungkook sunbae, hyung" Jaebum managed to glare when he heard his younger brother's statement, did he hear it right? His sweet little brother likes Jungkook!

"Baby, you're wrong, how can you conclude that you like Jungkook?"

"My heart is pounding, hyung, it's so fast it feels like it's going to explode," Yoongi honestly said, making Jaebum sigh softly,

"I don't know what to say, but hyung just wants to remind you, don't expect too much from Jungkook. You know the story, right?"

"Hm...I know, hyung" Yoongi said wearily

"Okay, don't think too much about it, now let's sleep" Yoongi nodded, then lay down hugging his brother and closed his eyes... dreaming.

'Why does it have to be Jungkook? I'm afraid that you'll get hurt later...' Jaebum thought, then tightened his arms and closed his eyes following his younger brother who was diving into his dreams first.

Annyeong chingu🤗
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