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Jungkook had been silent all this time, and that clearly made the sweet one confused about his attitude. He asked but he didn't answer, isn't that annoying!

It all started when the two of them came out of the cotton candy shop, the dominant man's attitude became cold and flat towards him. Even though he didn't make a mistake, did he?

"I want to buy ice cream there first, do you want it or not, Kookie?"

Jungkook was silent, and that made Yoongi take a deep breath. He slowly got up, then walked away from Jungkook to go to the minimart.

"What's wrong with him? I'm so annoyed!" he grumbled in annoyance, his feet stomping which made the people there stifle screams of excitement.

When he wanted to cross, suddenly someone grabbed his hand and made him turn around. His cat's eyes widened when he saw Yeri staring intently at him.

"I saw that you were really happy to be hanging out with Jungkook, and it seemed like you had forgotten what I said!"

Yoongi let go of Yeri's grip roughly, then looked boldly at the beautiful woman.

"I didn't forget, but this time...I won't give up, and will continue to try to maintain my relationship with Jungkook Sunbae," said the sweet one with a small smile, then left there to return to his original goal, going to the minimart.

While Yeri grabbed her mane roughly, her eyes became sharper as she watched the narrow back of the sweet boy who was slowly disappearing into the minimart door.

"You've dared to fight me Yoongi, and you'll see... soon you'll regret it because you dared to say something like that," she hissed, then walked away from there.

In the minimart, the sweet boy was just daydreaming in front of the ice cream refrigerator...her mind was still caught up in what happened a few minutes ago.

"Oh Yoongi, why did you have to say that! Ah, Yeri sunbae must be getting angry at you, you idiot!" he muttered, then grabbed his mane in frustration and it didn't escape the sight of the adult man who was choosing a canned drink

"Are you okay?"

Yoongi turned his head, his eyes suddenly widened when he saw who it was who was asking, including the adult man.

"Uncle Leo!/ Yoongi!"

"Why are you here?" Leo asked cheerfully, ah, he couldn't believe he could meet this sweet person at the minimart.

"I want to buy ice cream, hehe."

"How come you came all the way here? You're not with Jungkook?"

"I'm with Kookie, but he's waiting in the park," explained the sweet one, and Leo just nodded slowly in response.

"Uncle, what are you doing by yourself?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to stop by to buy coffee," he answered, pointing at the canned coffee. Yoongi nodded, then opened the refrigerator to choose ice cream for him and Jungkook

"Here, let uncle pay for it"

"No need, uncle, I'll do it"

"No need to refuse," said Leo with a handsome smile, and the sweet man smiled sweetly in return.

"Okay, if uncle forces me, hehe..."

Leo laughed a little, then went to the cashier to pay, followed by the cutie who followed behind him.

After paying, the two of them came out with the cutie carrying a plastic bag.

"Um... thanks for the treat me uncle, then I'll go first," said the little boy

"Okay! Be careful on the road, Yoon"

"Um!" nodded the cute one, waving at Leo.

He took a step and stopped on the sidewalk waiting for the street to be empty to cross. His little head looked left and right to make sure there were no passing vehicles.

He smiled, then slowly walked away. But unfortunately, a sedan was speeding from his left and he didn't have time to dodge until...


His body rolled in a tight grip, his eyes closed tightly as screams echoed from local residents who saw the incident that happened so quickly.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi opened his eyes when the anxious question hit his consciousness.

"Uncle Leo..." he whispered

Yes, the one who saved the sweet one was Leo. Before he left... the adult man saw a speeding car, and it was heading towards the sweet one. Without waiting any longer, he ran and pulled Yoongi and hugged his tiny body until he was finally able to avoid the car, even though he had to let his body hit the hard asphalt.

"Is there something hurt, hm?"


Leo immediately sat up, then hugged Yoongi's shaking body. Surely the sweet teenager was in shock right now.

"Calm down, you're fine now," said Leo, stroking the sweet boy's back.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Jungkook was grumbling because he was waiting for his lover who had not yet returned from the minimart.

"Where's Yoongi? Why's it taking so long?" he said, and because he was bored of waiting... he decided to go to the minimart.

His brows furrowed when he saw so many people gathered in front of the minimart. He felt uneasy, especially since he faintly heard people talking about an accident.

He took his long legs and stepped quickly, then pushed his way through the crowd until his eyes widened when he saw the sweet boy who was now in his uncle's arms.


Yoongi turned around, and that's when he started crying even more with both hands reaching out to Jungkook.

"kookie hiks...kookie..."


"Why are you like this, dear?" asked Jungkook, he was worried now... especially seeing the abrasions on the sweet boy's arms and legs.

"hiks... hiks.."

Yoongi didn't answer, he just kept crying because he was shocked.

Jungkook turned his gaze to his uncle, and as if he knew what Jungkook's gaze meant...Leo took a deep breath.

"It looks like someone intends to harm Yoongi, kook"


"You'd better take Yoongi home. Let Uncle look for the culprit."

Jungkook looked down to see the sweet boy who was still sobbing violently, then looked back at Leo.

"Hm okay, I'll take Yoongi home first. And thanks for saving Yoongi, if you find out who the perpetrator is, let me know quickly, uncle."

Leo nodded, smiling a little when he saw his nephew carrying the sweet one bridal style as he walked through the crowd of residents.

Jungkook drives his car fast, he is too worried about the condition of his little boyfriend. His intention was to take him to the hospital, but the sweetheart refused and asked to be taken home.

It didn't take long, Jungkook's car was now parked in Ivander's yard. The dominant man hurriedly walked with his lover in his bridal arms, with difficulty pressing the bell until finally the door opened and Ivander's surprised face was revealed.



O Ow....
Hallo guys😚
Vomment pls
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