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The next day Kat found herself in the library again, waiting for Billie to arrive. This time with much more ease than the day before. A few minutes later, Billie tapped on her back with two coffees in her hand. "Hey KitKat" She greeted her as she handed Kat a coffee and sat down.

"Thanks," Kat smiled.

As they started delving into the math problems, the atmosphere was really relaxed and easygoing. They shared occasional laughs, which made the people in the library look at them annoyed.

"You know, I think I'll actually pass this time," Billie smiled proudly for understanding the previous exercise.

"You better, otherwise I'll be really offended as your teacher," Kat laughed.

Suddenly, Billie's expression changed and got more serious. "Kat, can I ask you something?" Billie's voice was softer, the playful tone replaced by a hint of vulnerability.

"Sure, what's up?"

Her gaze intensified, "Do you believe in fate?"

Kat furrowed her brows, thrown off guard by the sudden change in topic. "Fate? I don't know. Why do you ask?"

Billie hesitated; her words carefully chosen. "Sometimes, it feels like things happen for a reason, you know? Like meeting someone unexpected or finding yourself in situations you never imagined."

Kat nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah, I guess so. Why?"

A faint smile played on Billie's lips, "No reason."

"Well 've always found the idea of fate intriguing to be honest," Kat admitted. "I mean, there is some comfort in believing that there's a greater plan for us, you know?"

Exactly!" she exclaimed. "Like, no matter how hard we try to control our lives, there are some things that are just meant to be."

Kat nodded, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, it's like no matter what choices we make, we always end up exactly where we're supposed to be."

As their conversation kept going Kat found herself drawn to Billie's easygoing nature and genuine curiosity about the world. They always refered back to math but kept switching topics. At one point Kat noticed Billie scetching something in the corner of her paper. Curiously Kat leaned in closer to get a better look.

"What you drawing?" she asked.

Billie looked up, slightly blushing "Oh, just a little monster I saw in my dream last night but my bad I'll keep doing the exercise, sorry."

"Come on, show me," Kat insisted as Billie reluctantly let Kat see the sketch.

(Like this but smaller )

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(Like this but smaller )

"Wow, that's really incredible," Kat breathed out as she stared at a tiny, scary looking monster with sharp teeth and swollen eyes.

"Thanks," she said softly, her voice tinged with a mixture of pride and shame.

Curious, Kat couldn't help but ask, "What inspired you to draw a monster?"

Billie's gaze turned away, as if searching for the right words. "It's hard to explain," she began slowly. "I guess... I dont really think about what i am drawing, it just comes out from whatever is going on on the inside."

Kat listened closely. "So, the monster represents how you feel inside?" she ventured.

Billie nodded, her expression somber. "Yeah, something like that. It's like... giving shape to the chaos, you know?"

Kat's heart ached at the raw honesty in Billie's words. "I'm sorry," she said softly, reaching out to gently squeeze Billie's hand in a gesture of comfort. "That sounds really tough."

Billie offered a small smile. "Thanks"

„So you draw more often then?"

"oh yea, all the time. My whole wall is all written up with words and sketches. It's really healing actually."

Kat nodded, „i bet, but I'm here for you, Billie if you ever wanna talk about any of those monster."

A sense of warmth washed over Billie as she looked into Kat's eyes. "Thank you, KitKat," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "That means more to me than you know."

As the afternoon wore on, they decided to take a break. Billie stretched and yawned, "I need some fresh air. You up for a quick walk outside? I really want a cigarette."

„Sure, I think we're done either way. Just review everything again before the exam and if you have any questions let me know,"

"Thanks," Billie smiled genuinely as they closed their books and walked out of the library together.

Billie lit up her cigarette and took a big breath.

"So, any exciting plans for the weekend yet?" Billie asked, breaking the silence that settled between them after a while.

Kat shrugged. "Well, I'm always making my plans spontaneously, but probably something with friends. What about you?"

"Noah wanted to take me out to eat, and then I'm probably gonna come over for a bit to chill or something."

"That's nice," Kat half-smiled, pushing down a heavy feeling in her chest.

"Yeah," Billie flashed a smile.

As they walked down the sidewalk, Billie took another drag of her cigarette before flicking it away. Kat glanced at her, noticing the slight tension in her shoulders.

"Everything alright?" Kat asked, concerned.

Billie shrugged, "Yeah, just a lot on my mind lately."

"Is it about the math exam?"

"Well not only," Billie admitted. "But don't worry about it now."

Kat decided to let the topic go as they continued their walk in comfortable silence, the cool breeze was really refreshing after all the hours spent in the library.

Later that evening, Kat found herself at home, scrolling through her phone when her brother Noah walked into the room.

"Hey, Kat, how was your day?" Noah asked, flopping down on the couch beside her.

"It was good," Kat replied, putting her phone aside. "I had another tutoring session with Billie. She's actually doing pretty well with the math."

"That's great to hear," Noah said, smiling. "I knew you'd make a good teacher."

Kat chuckled, "Thanks, Noah. It's not as bad as I thought it would be."

Noah raised an eyebrow, "So, you and Billie getting along better now?"

Kat hesitated, "Yeah, I guess so.."

Noah nodded, "That's good. I'm glad you're giving her a chance."

"Yea," Kat smiled, hoping she was doing the right thing.


so kat and billie getting rly close huh:P

Guyyyyssss today Billie is hopefully gonna make an announcement about the album im exciteddddd but also I think my gf cheated on me so it better distract me AHAH anyways hope y'all have a nice day.

My brothers girlfriend *Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now