2: WCKD Is Good

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-P I P E R-

Piper didn't sleep at all. In fact, she had gone back to the vent multiple times in the night to check that she wasn't dreaming. She sat alone at a table in the canteen, forgetting about her breakfast in front of her completely, her friends joining her later in the morning.

Minho remarked sarcastically at the food, "Are you saving that for later? Or..."

Piper slid the tray of food along to Minho, who took a bite of the toast and then spat it out. He grimaced, "It's cold. How long have you been sat here?"

Piper didn't reply, she kept her eyes on the guards blocking the door.

Newt sat next to her, frowning in concern, "Piper, you have to eat, we talked about this."

Piper muttered quietly, "Nobody ever leaves."

Thomas repeated in concern, "Nobody ever leaves here?"

"I saw it." Piper nodded quietly.

"What?" Newt asked softly, "Maybe it was just a dream-"

"It wasn't a dream." Piper interrupted before explaining, "I crawled through the vents and then I saw... these, uh, machines with people inside. Like, dead people covered over. But, I don't know if they were dead. They had this oxygen tank connected to the trolleys they were being carried in by. There were loads of them... like seven or eight. I saw it."

"And you're sure you weren't dreaming?" Minho questioned in doubt.

"I know it sounds crazy." Piper exclaimed, "But I went back there, like, five times throughout the night."

"Where were the bodies being taken?" Thomas asked curiously.

"Into this room." Piper explained, "It could only be opened by a key-card."

"Let's think logically." Newt intervened, "It could've been anything under the cover. Maybe it wasn't a body. Janson said this is a safe place. Until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, alright?"

Piper nodded, though Thomas stood up quickly and stormed towards the door. Newt questioned, "What is he doing?"

"Drawing attention to himself." Piper sighed, before getting up to follow him.

"Get your ass back in that chair." The guard ordered Thomas, as Piper approached the situation slowly, knowing her friends were about to join her.

Thomas turned around, pretending to walk away, before suddenly throwing himself at the guard, almost trying to get through the door though the guard pushed him back angrily. Piper and the rest of the boys began running towards Thomas, who shoved the guard, but his friends held him back.

Janson appeared out from the chaos, "Thomas? I thought we could trust each other. You know we're all on the same team here."

Thomas questioned, "Are we?"

Janson hesitated, "Get them to their bunks."

A few guards walked over to the group, one of them grabbing Piper's arm to drag her away from her friends, who were being rushed back to their dorms. The girl ripped her arm away from his grasp, "Don't touch me! I'm walking, aren't I?"

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