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-J A D E-

Gally had taken Jade, Piper, Thomas, and Newt to a lookout spot at the top of a building, giving the group a perfect view of the new WCKD facility. Skyscrapers towered over the city, shining light on the dark area, as Jade admired the technology- she was used to sleeping in tents and abandoned buildings, washing herself with dirty water, and eating gone-off food.

Jade didn't particular want to come on this side-quest, however she felt the need to keep a close eye on Piper. However, their relationship wasn't quite the same as it was before- they both knew that, but it was scary to label what they were.

Gally retrieved a telescope and attached it to the metal railing in front of them, "Minho will be in there. We've been trying to find a way in their for ages, but the place is crawling with soldiers. They got surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor."

Newt scoffed, "Sounds like a bloody fortress."

"Yeah, I thought you said you had a way in." Thomas added spitefully, and Jade got the feeling the two boys weren't friends in the Maze. She looked at Piper, who was staring at the tall skyscraper, the reflection glistening in her eyes.

Gally hesitated, "I might."

"You might?" Thomas repeated frustratedly, "What the hell do you mean might?"

"Take a look." Gally stepped back from the telescope, "I said I might have a way in- I never said you'd like it."

One by one, the four peered into the telescope, zooming into Teresa from afar, as she worked in her own private lab. Piper's jaw clenched as she watched Teresa, stepping back from the telescope and scoffing, "No. No way. We can't trust her!"

"Listen, I never said we have to trust her." Gally reasoned, "But she can be our way in."

That night, Gally guided the four back to the building they were staying in. The group crowded around a table, maps and blueprints placed flat on the surface. Jade's eyes darted around at the scribbles of words and letters she was unable to read, she found herself looking at Piper to relay any information.

Thomas refused, "No. There's gotta be another way."

"Like what?" Gally sighed, "You've seen the building. She's our only way in."

Thomas questioned sarcastically, "You really think she's gonna help us?"

"We don't have to ask for her permission to help." Piper suggested, "Why don't we just kidnap her, or something?"

"Exactly." Brenda nodded, "This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?"

"I like her." Gally nodded approvingly.

"What's going on, Thomas?" Jade asked curiously.

Newt hesitated, before breaking the silence accusingly, "What, are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt, hmm? This has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?"

Thomas frowned softly, "Newt, what are you talking about?"

"Teresa." Newt stood up frustratedly, his voice raising with anger, "I mean, she's the only reason why Minho's even missing in the first place. Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back. And what? You don't want to because of her? Because deep down inside you still care about her, don't you?"

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