9: Flying A Train

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-P I P E R-

It had been six months since Minho, Sonya, and Aris had been taken, and the group had devised a plan to get him back from WCKD facilities. They had planned to hijack the train that was transferring the kids to another WCKD building- the only catch was, there was only one train so the group only had one chance to retrieve Minho.

Jorge, Brenda, and Jade were the distraction, detouring any WCKD guards who spotted their vehicle gaining on the train. Jade poked through the top of the car, firing a bullet at the driver's direction so they would purposefully call for help.

Jade sat back down, grabbing the walkie-talkie and speaking, "Keepin' them busy. You're up, Pipes!"

"Copy that." Piper replied, as she shoved the walkie-talkie in the her pocket. Thomas climbed out of the moving car, which Vince was driving, and balanced on the bonnet. He held a metal hook, which he planned to attach onto the back of the moving train. Thomas hooked it on successfully, before climbing onto the back of the train.

The boy encouraged, "Come on!"

"Vince, you go first!" Piper insisted, waiting for the man to climb onto the bonnet of the car before she did. The man jumped, leaving Piper behind on a car that was quickly giving up. The vehicle became unstable, one of the tires began to spark, and a smell of rusting oil filled her nostrils.

Thomas panicked, "Piper! Jump!"

One of the car tires flew off, causing Piper to stumble down. She shouted, "Thomas, this is crazy!"

"Just jump!" Thomas yelled, reaching out a hand for the girl to grab.

Piper took a deep breath of courage, before jumping towards the train. The hook unattached itself to the train, causing the car to flip over. Piper's body dangled, her feet skimming across the floor, as Vince and Thomas grabbed her arms, pulling her up to the train platform.

"What the fuck! What the fuck." Piper panted in panic, as she dusted herself off.

"You're okay, kid." Vince reassured, as he patted her on the shoulder firmly. His eyes travelled to the sky behind them, before he pointed, "Hey! Berg!"

Piper turned around, noticing a familiar aircraft flying towards them- though it wasn't them they were after. Piper immediately pulled the walkie-talkie from her pocket, "Jade! You've got company!"

The aircraft opened fire on Jorge's vehicle, as they guided the aircraft away from the train. Jade's voice spoke loudly on the radio, "Don't die, Piper."

"Thanks for the encouragement, Jay." Piper said sarcastically.

Jade shot back, "You'll be fine, you know what you're doing."

"Come on!" Thomas urged the girl, as the three climbed up the ladder to the roof of the train. They ran along it cautiously, before jumping down in-between two carriages. Vince bent down, using his tools to try and unlink the carriages filled with kids. Thomas and Piper retrieved their guns, shooting at the WCKD guards who were on top of the train.

"I'm all set! Take cover!" Vince insisted, as Piper and Thomas climbed back up the ladders to the roof of the train.

"Take cover?" Piper questioned, "What tools did you-"

An explosion broke the link between the train and the five end carriages, causing them to stop as the rest of the train carried on. It would take a while for the front of the train to stop moving, giving the group more time to free Minho. The train stopped, as Thomas whistled for Newt to help them, as Thomas tried to find out which compartment his friends were in. Piper and Vince climbed to the top of the train, loading their guns as WCKD soldiers ran towards them.

"Newt, come on!" Piper shouted, "We're getting killed up here!"

"Don't rush me." Newt deadpanned, as he quickly tried to unlock the carriage hatch so it could be lifted.

A familiar aircraft, the Berg, flew in towards the group and hovered over the top of the carriage. The aircraft released a metal hook, which Vince and Piper attached onto the carriage they were standing on. Thomas and Newt both climbed up to the top, joining the group, before signalling to Jorge to fly away.

"We did it!" Thomas cheered, as the carriage was pulled up into the sky, and he hugged Newt tightly.

To Piper, the travel back to the new location of the Right Arm felt like hours. Her time on top of the train carriage had been spent grabbing onto Newt's arm in pure fear, her eyes shut tightly, and muttering words quietly- Piper was sure that Vince hated her by the end of the journey, since the man just wanted a quiet ride after the chaos.

"You were so flying high." Jade teased, as she helped Piper climb down, "I'd say about 100 feet."

"You told Jorge to fly it higher, didn't you?" Piper asked in exasperation, "You know those were the worst moment in my life-"

"I second that, kid." Vince remarked, as he got out his tools and started to unlock the carriage door. He continued, "I haven't seen someone so scared of heights-"

"That's because it is my biggest fear, Vince." Piper retorted, before shooting a sarcastic glare at Jade, "And Jade knows that. She just finds it fun to see me suffer."

"You should be thanking me." The girl corrected smartly.

"Thanking?" Piper scoffed, "That was literal hell."

"Oh, please." Jade shot back sarcastically, "Next time, you'll-"

"There won't be a next time." Piper interrupted, "Maybe you should've volunteered to fly the train, if you're so good."

"Maybe I should've." Jade replied, before folding her arms across her chest, "I would've got the job done quicker-"

Piper gasped, "Seriously?"

"Can you two give it a rest?" Brenda interrupted sarcastically, "You're like an old married couple."

Piper's face flushed a shade of pink as she looked down to the floor, which she suddenly found so interesting. Jade stuck her middle finger up at her sister, "Funny, Bren. Really funny. Everybody's dying of laughter."

Vince had finally been able to open the door, which Piper was very thankful for because she felt suddenly very awkward around Jade thanks to Brenda's comment- Piper didn't know why, which made the feeling worse.

"Aris! Sonya!" Harriet gasped, as she ran towards the two captured teenagers and hugged them carefully.

Thomas continued to search the carriage, as the rest of the group reassured them that they were safe. Piper frowned, "Where's Minho?"

"He's not here." Thomas muttered, an expression of confusion and disappointment on his face.

Piper's heart dropped to her stomach.

piper and jade are in their LOVERS PHASE. confirmed.

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