8: Traitor

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-P I P E R-

The first bomb wiped out an entire section of the Right Arm. The many other explosions that followed destroyed everything else. People's screams were heard from miles away, as their temporary homes were disintegrated with no warning. Another WCKD helicopter flew over the camp, as multiple armed soldiers climbed out; lining up innocent people and shooting the people who got in their way. 

"Where's Jade?" Piper asked worriedly, as she sprinted over to Vince who was shooting back at the WCKD workers. She was handed a gun by Harriet, as her friends rushed over to her.

"Where's Thomas?" Newt questioned, as he loaded his gun.  Piper caught a glimpse of Jade running in the distance, so attempted to run after her. Newt grabbed her arm, "No! Piper, don't be bloody stupid."

"What are you doing?" Minho shouted, but Piper had already continued sprinting towards Jade.

Jade was attempting to enter a tent which had been caught on fire, whilst dodging the people running around screaming for help. Piper grabbed her by the shoulders, before shouting at her, "You dumbass, you're gonna get shot!"

"That's his tent!" Jade shouted, and for the first time Piper saw sadness in her expression. She pulled out of Piper's grasp, and attempted to go inside of the tent- a spark of fire sizzled on her raw skin, causing her to step back.

"Jade! Stop. Stop!" Piper insisted, grabbing her wrist in warning, "We have to leave now, or they'll catch us. We can come back for-"

"It will be gone!" Jade shouted, "All of what's left of Diego will be gone!"

Thomas and Brenda, who was back to perfect health, sprinted towards the two girls. Brenda pulled Jade away from the tent forcefully, as Thomas and Piper ran towards Jorge who was hiding behind a vehicle.

"How the fuck did they find us?" Piper panted, the reflection of flames reflecting in her dark eyes, "I thought- I thought we were safe here." She looked at Thomas for an answer, but the boy just stared at her in betrayal and sadness.

"We have to go." Jorge insisted, "Now. Before it's too late-"

"No!" Jade argued, as tears raced down her cheeks, "This is my home-"

"Not anymore, look!" Jorge interrupted sympathetically, "Lo lamento, kid, I'm sorry."

Jorge spoke in Spanish to Jade reassuringly, though Piper couldn't understand what they were saying. She peered over the vehicle with Thomas and Brenda, watching as their friends were captured by multiple soldiers and lined up on their knees outside of the aircraft.

"Go without us." Thomas insisted, "I can't leave without them."

Jade sighed, "Thomas-"

"He's right." Piper added reassuringly, placing her hand on top of Jade's, "Go with your family, okay? Go."

The three reluctantly ran away towards the mountains while they could, leaving Thomas and Piper alone to try and save their friends. By now, WCKD had captured almost all of the Right Arm, all lining them up and scanning the back of their necks to see what subject they were.

Janson asked curiously, "Where's Piper and Thomas?"

"Right here." Thomas spoke up, and Piper cautiously followed his lead- the boy didn't explain his plan properly, but she knew it involved Jorge's explosive device.

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