5: Phobias

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-J A D E-

Jade didn't sleep that night, for she felt an almost protectiveness over the group who were mourning their friend. She had managed to get them near the mountain, but the group had run out of water so had to stop as soon as it got dark. Jade had noticed the family they had made together- so different yet the teenagers surrounded her support each other like their lives depended on it. The thought of family reminded her of her brother.

She rested her head on her bag, staring at the stars above her and wishing upon every galaxy that her brother was still alive.

Jade's thoughts were interrupted by the flashing lights from the sky above her, and the deafening rumble that followed after. Bolts of electricity struck the ground, as Piper sat up quickly and awoke the others...

"Guys! Wake up, come on." She repeated, as she helped Piper to her feet, "We have to move."

The group sprinted away from the thunder bolts, towards the lights in the distance. Jade guided them towards a building just a reach away, however the sky had other plans. Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck down next to Minho, causing him to descend into the ground. Thomas stumbled over from the proximity to the bolt, a deafening ringing buzzed in Jade's ears as she turned around to see the boys on the floor.

Newt, Piper, and Aris helped Minho to his feet, dragging him along towards the building in front of them, as Frypan and Teresa held open the door. Jade rushed over to Thomas, who was panicking from the disorientation and struggling to his feet.

"You're okay! Come on." Jade reassured, as she sprinted with Thomas towards the door, bolting it shut behind her.

They dropped Minho to the ground, Piper shining her flashlight in the boy's face. Thomas gripped onto his t-shirt, "Minho! Minho."

"Come on, Minho." Newt pleaded, as the group shouted encouragements for him to wake up, "Come on, man."

Minho groaned, and the group let out a sigh of relief. The boy frowned, "What happened?"

Piper exclaimed, "I think you got struck by lightning."

"Oh!" The boy smirked, and the group laughed slightly, before helping him to his feet.

Jade glanced at Teresa, who was slowly walking away from the group. She frowned to herself, as Teresa muttered, "What's that smell?"

Jade remembered where they were, she had found shelter here with her brother a long time ago. She warned, "Teresa." She watched as the girl retrieved the flashlight from her pocket, "Teresa!"

As the girl turned the flashlight on, a horrible figure tried to grab her. A Crank- black veins plaguing its pale face, as it growled and screeched in desperation. Teresa jumped back, letting a scream of fear as the group pulled her back.

Jade reassured, "It's okay! They're chained up."

"You failed to mention the part of Cranks in your description of a shelter!" Piper shouted in fear, flashing her torch at the multiple Cranks trying to break free of their chains.

"I second that!" Minho added, "What the shuck is this?!"

A door opened from the other side of the shelter, a girl with short hair stood in the door way, "I see you've met our guard dogs."

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