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Written by: khadyjatt

(Amirah's predicament)

Chapter 38

Sitted in the parlor is the male of the suleym family including himself, he take a sip of the tea and drop it aside before clearing his throat.

So I have heard everyone opinion and imran himself has brief me on everything that's going on at the moment in the company."suleym paused when his wife walk inside the parlor.

I'm not leaving."inteesar say and suleym chuckle but didn't say a word, at the end of the day he would still tell her so she staying with him save him the explanation.

I heard some of you think i didn't make the right choice by appointing saif as the new CEO of the company?"suleym ask and the place is still quiet.

"We didn't come back to Nigeria to eat iftar with you and wives,
Who were the ones that think my husband is fool to appoint saif?"inteesar ask and suleym chuckle glancing at his wife.

We didn't mean it the way you say it,
It's just that saif isn't capable aside been capable........

"What makes him incapable?"suleym throw the question and sufyan clear his throat.

We all know and agreed that saif has contributed a lot with his skills in the company but he isn't a good leader to handle the company,
He barely even secure his marriage........

Marriage and works are two different things,
And your own home is well secured?
What is wrong with you boys?
So you all against your brother because of what?
Wealth and power?"inteesar say baffle looking at by he boys who all have there gaze on the carpeted floor.

"Mummy its really not like that at least for the image of the company,
Saif is still a junkie and sorry to say with the pending issue of his Ex wife pregnant for him I believe that is enough reason for him to step down from that position for the reputation of the company and perhaps the wrath of Allah,
Because we all know what zina brought it.......

"Shut up."inteesar say annoyed.
"Look who's talking?
Yen, yen, yen, .........

"Intee leave them,
Let everyone say their opinion."suleym say and inteesar snort.

"We don't hate saif we just feel like someone better deserve to be in that position."safwan add and Asim massag his throbbing head exhausted already.

"Someone like who?"imran ask and suleym clear his throat.

"You all haven't give me any significant reason why saif doesn't deserve to be the CEO I appointed him in that position because he deserved it it wasn't my decision alone imran was also a part of it,
Saif brought all the big contracts to that company we all know it, he has work so hard and has been dedicated to his work and loyal,
His marital problem is something he always deal with it outside work,
Despite the pressure around he still maintain the company fine and make sure we are at the top,
So what is your problems with him?"suleym ask and

"Ibn Hibbaan narrated in al-Thiqaat (7/574) via Mak-hool al-Shaami that Ibn 'Umar said to him: O Mak-hool, beware of zina, for it leads to poverty. "
Sufyan quoted and his dad shake his head.

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