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"Okay class." Mrs. Henrisson shouts loudly over the students who where a bit loud. They all instantly silence when hearing her strict voice. "I decided that we will work on a school project that is due in next week." She exlaims exictedly.

Students groans but some quickly stared at their friends already choosing who to pick as a partner. I rolled my eyes and was not in the mood for anyone. Sometimes I like some me time and sometimes I like to spend time with friends. This was one of those days that I wanted to be alone and not deal with anyone.

I look around the classroom seeing people choosing their partners and it was the same group partners each time. I didn't dare look over at Mitch who was staring at me hoping I pick him. "Y/n." He whisper shouted. "Can you hear me?" I look over at Jasper seeing he had choose his usual friends Henry and Charlotte.

"Before we can start." Mrs. Henrisson looks at everyone seeing the same groups as usal. Mostly some groups never get their work done due to them being friends. It was the same group. "I will choose your partners." A lot of groans where heard around the class.

I am so thankful because I always get stuck with Mitch and Oliver. Which is the worst group ever. Don't get me wrong Mitch is kind of my friend and he is with us in our group friend but he is not a good person to work with.

"I will start calling out pairs of 3 and all need to get together." The teacher smiles widely, "you will be paired up with people you dont interact with."

She started calling out names and I grin when Mitch wad paired up with Charlotte and Noelle. I feel bad for Charlotte. Not to imagine she is paired up with Mitch who is lazy and want everything to be done by others instead of him. He hardly ever helps.

Noelle is just Miss Shapen's nice and hardly knew her. She is new and came a month ago. Didn't really pay much attention to her because I simply dont care. "Last but not least Henry, Y/n and Jasper." Jasper cheers exictengly and ignored people's glare. They all seem to be annoyed that he is partner up with his friend Henry. Little did they know he is friends with me as well which makes him lucky.

Both boys moved their desk towards me and both smiled at me. "Hi I'm Jasper and this is my friend Henry." Jasper explains. I wave at them both.

"Nice to meet you Y/n." Henry sticks his hand out and we both shake hands. All three of us noticed Mitch grabbing both Charlotte desk and Oliverd desk closer to ours while both students where sited. Charlotte had an annoyed look and Oliver was just eating a chocolate bar not being bother.

"Hello Y/n." Mitch grins.

Y/n groans and Jasper gived him a look without his friends noticing but me and Mitch. "Hello Charlotte!!" Jasper shouts loud enough for Mrs. Henrisson to noticed them. She frowns and glares at Mitch and his group.

"This is a group of 3 not 6!" She exclaims. "All 3 of you to the office now!!" She screeches.

Both Henry and Charlotte give her an incredulous look. Oliver just got up without a word and got out of the class with his head down feeling guilty. Mitch wines, "why?"

"Mam? You should only send Mitch to the office. This is not my fault. I was forced." Charlotte defended herself.

"And for talking back you will have lunch detention!" She smirks feeling satisfied of herself. Mitch slams his fist on the table and glares at both Jasper and Henry, "This isn't over." He then walked out.

"What the hell did I do?" Henry exclaims with a dumbfounded look. Jasper smirks in satisfaction but then feeling bad for Charlotte who gotten up glaring at the teacher and walking out the classroom.

"Anyways, since yall have different partners I would love for all 3 to make a presentation about why its important to stop bullying." She hands each group one sheet of paper that had everything that needs to be done on the project. "You have 2 weeks to complete. Remember it will affect your grades if you fail."

I grab the sheet of paper and went over it. "What does it say?" Henry says looking at me.

"It just says that it can be a poster or slideshow. Whatever you want that's all." I said handing the paper to him.

"I want a slideshow!" Jasper shouts as usally. He is always so cheerful over the smallest things and can be a bit childlish. I'm not saying is a bad thing its just I actually admired him. No matter how bad the situation is he is always going to be cheerful. Yes he might be sad which is normal but he quickly gets back up and pretends like if nothing has happened.

"We can do this over at my house." Henry says and takes out a pencil and writes his phone number on the paper. He then rips the paper and hands it over to me with a smile. "Here. Text me. We can do this tomorrow. Right now I will be busy at work."

"You work?" I question.

"Yep." He grins proudly of himself. "I'm doing this for responsibility, to challange myself..."

"He is in it for the money." Jasper inturrupts him.

"Yes I'm doing it for the money." Henry agrees.

I roll my eyes and chuckle knowing everyone that gets a job does it for the money. Not gonna lie Henry is cute and never really noticed him. To me he was just a background character. But whatever. I can't really get to attach since then he might figure out what I do and I don't want him to get involved. It's dangerous and he looks innocent and doesn't deserve anything bad come his way.

I'm proud of Jasper cause he is really good at keeping this a secret. If words gets out then we will be in great trouble and that's not what we want.

So far everything is going great.


A/n: I forgot to mention they will be in high school and not middle school.

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