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"Guess what?" Jay comes over to the group. Sarah, Jasper and I where sitting down on the swings from Swellville park with happy smily faces due to the fact that Mason will recover. Not to imagine we had enough money for as all to share. Steve was leaning against the swinging pole with his arm cross to his chest looking at Jay. Mitch and Jason where sitting down on the bench eating some hot dogs they bought from some old man selling out in thw streets.

"What?" We all said at the same time wondering what is he up too now. Maybe for another adventure to another state or something. Its so fun going on road trips and singing our hearts out. Not to imagine Mitch being so annoying and sometimes he can be quiet a bit irritating. Thankfull many of us can stand him. Well more like we are use to his attitude.

"We now for a fact Mason is recovering and  we all had our share on the money." Jay says glaring at some children who wanted to enter the park but quickly ran away. All children know not to come to the park when we are there. They know we will scared the living daylights out of them.

First time we came here we decided to call dibs on the park and scared all the children playing and being rude to the parents. Well more like Mitch did most of the work. Since then non ever dare come here while we are here. I did kind of feel bad but oh well. Its much more peaceful and can talk freely here without no one listening in.

"Don't tell me you are thinking of going to abother bank aren't you Jay?" I pointed out. "We need to take a break and not jump to another right away."

"Yeah. Right now we need to relax and buy whatever we want." Jasper smiles. Some nodded and others just stayed quiet. Mitch gets up from the bench and throws the trash to the ground not caring and stood in front of us all. Jay groans knowing he will probably say something that non of us will agree. Like always. He always wants to go to extreme.

We never listen to him and always like to play safe. We all kind of knew of what he was thinking and just listened to him anyways. Four months ago, he tried to rob a women's purse without telling us but his stupidity got caught and Captian man and Kid Danger stopped him.

Mitch was livid yelling at both heros that he will get them one day. I was annoyed and irritated with him and it was my idea to let him in jail for a month so he can learn. He was irritated with us and we where actually worried he will snitch us all but thankfully he didn't.

Well actually, Jay threaten him that if he ever says a word he will personally beat the shit out of him and throw him to the river to rot and die. Jay was actually a pretty buff guy and tall. He does excersises and is not that bad looking with his shag curly hair and a jawline. He was actually conside the leader in this group. Me, I just go on with the flow and earn tons of money.

"How about this." Mitch says with a grin on his face ignoring the few groans from the group. "We capture Kid Danger and Captian man."

"No." Jay sternly says.

"Listen to me, there is a high reward amongs the criminals and if they are capture or at least know their identity that will earn us money for life!" He exclaims earning some intereting looks.

Jay shakes his head no knowing it was risky. I look at Jasper seeing his trouble face. I knew he was a fan of captian man and Kid danger and knew he will never agreed to this. He can commit other crimes like robbing but not capturing or identifying theirs identeties to his favorite heros.

Jasper is my best friend and will agree with him. I am glad Jay is with us but I knew some are interested in what Mitch was saying. "Did yall hear me? For life?!" Mitch exclaims loving the sound of that.

"Mitch stop." Jay calmly says.

"Who is with me?" Mitch completly ignores him. "Raise up your hands!."

Sarah was the first to raise up her hands while others where hesitant. Then followed Steve and Jason. Mitch looks at me with a hopefull look but I just completly ignored him and look at Jay to do something about it. He nods at me and walks up to Mitch patting his shoulder gently.

"No one is going to..."

"You see? Four of us are in." He inturrpts him with a grin plastered on his lips.

Jay sigh and looks over at the people who raised up their hands. "You all know this is risky right?" He says trying to smack some sence to this people. "If we all decided to do some shit like that than we are going to have to think of a good plan. A very good one because one mistake and we are all screwed."

"We never once got caught." Sarah pointed out still feeling hopefull but at the same time she was anxious. It wad obvious due to her bitting her nails.

"Mitch and Jason has." I pointed out. "By non other then both Captain man and Kid Danger on the police chase. Remember?" I hope that will make her think twice. "What makes you think it wont happen again?"

"We can create a distraction." Jason says already thinking twice of that idea but still feeling hopeful. "Or think of a good plan or something."

"No." Jay shaked his head.

"We can set up a trap." Mitch grins. "I dont know."

"We can ask other criminals for help. Someone that has  some kind of weapon that can slow both the heros." Jason says already taking out his phone. "As soon as we have that weapon we can have one of the girls pretend that they need help from a very bad Mitch since he already has a bad reputation. Everybody knows he has criminal charges in the past."

"Then when they come BOOM they fell in on our trap. We can throw in some gas to make them fall asleep and then take them to the person who put out the reward." Jason laughs at his great idea.

"And then we will all get money for life!!" Mitch finishes with ethusiasm on his voice already seeing money on his hands and thinking of everything he can spend on. He wouldn't have to work anymore and will have money for the rest of his life.

They started agreeing and whispering amongs themselves of how brilliant this idea was.

"We came here to rob banks when we are in need." Jay reminds everyone. "Not to capture people. We dont even know what does criminals will do to them. They are innocent and we dont capture or kill no one but only rob. Thats all."

"But we dont have to steal anymore if we do this. Think about it." Mitch says frowning when receiving a text. He sigh reading over it and glances at everyone especially me. "Yall have a week to decided. Next friday we meet again for our final votes."

"This is getting better," I rolled ny eyes and looks at Jasper who had a sad expression. "Don't worry. Jasper. It wont happen." I pat his shoulder and noticed everyone had started leaving calling it a day. I glance a Jay who was beyond mad and punch the pole of the swing pole and walked away not saying a word.

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