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The party looks so fun. People where dancing and having the time of their lives not to imagine some where actually drinking even if they weren't of age. I glance over at Henry who was well dress and me as well. I had (choose clothing of your liking).

I had walked over and grab a plate along with Henry and both went to sit down on a table. There was lights everywhere and up front was the DJ playing music. People where walking in all dressed up. Some went ditectly for drinks while others went for the food. It was rather loudly and the lights where off accept for the lights coming from the disco ball. They rented this salon and decorated pretty good.

I didn't even knew there was a party until Henry invited me. My mind went back to Bianca and looked over at him with confusion. He was already shoving food on his face. "Hey Henry. What about Bianca? Why didn't you asked her instead?"

He froze and looks at me then swallows the food. "Bianca and I broke up two week ago." He says before shoving more food on his mouth. I nod in understanding. "We are not together anymore. Plus, I got over her already." He waves me off.

I was about to ask another question when I hear a beep on his watch. I look down at his watch and see him froze and looks at me nervously. "Uh I will be right back." He stands up. "I need to go to the bathroom. To you know do my business. In the bathroom." He chuckles nervously then pratically ran away as if his ass was on fire.

I frown but just shrug it off and just ate my food which I was planning to get seconds. The food was delicious especially when they where serving (favorite food). I lean back against the chair once finishing with my plate wondering if I should get up or nah. I noticed a few stares wanting to come over to me but I completely ignored them.

"Hey." I look up seeing Jay sit down in front of me where Henry was supposed to be sitted. "Are you actually going to follow Mitch and follow his stupid plan?"

I shook my head no and was worried if we should talk about this now. There where tons of people and were all being quiet loudly but still. It makes me nervous. You never know if someone can be evesdropping. Maybe I am just being paranoid.

"No." I said.

"We really should do something about it." Jay says with concern laced in his tone. "Stop him. We both know that the ones that voted for him wont change their mind. All they can think about is money and this to them might seem like a great opportunity to get a lot more then they already have. For life!" He leans back against the chair rubbing his temple already feeling a headache.

"I think we should kick Mitch out of the group." I suggested. I always wanted that but everyone was to afraid that he will snitch.

"What if he snitches?" Jay questions groaning but loving that idea indeed. "I mean I want too but its a risk. You know how he is."

"I know but if we let him we are still at risk." I reminded him. "If we kicked him out we are still at risk." I say groaning feeling helpless.

"Maybe get rid of him." Jay suggested snapping his fingers and leaning forward placing his arms on top of the table with a smirk. "Kill him. Once he is dead then we will never have to worry." He grins as if it was the greates idea which it was but killing someone isn't right no matter how annoying the person is.

I groan and shook my head. "I dont know okay. I dont know. I mean getting rid of him is the only way but thats not right. We are not like that. We dont kill people." I say a little to loudly. I cringe but thankfully nobady heard.

"If we don't do anything and let him do whatever he wants he will gets us all exposed then we will be locked out in jail and everyone will know about us and we dont want that." He glares. "This is the only way. Unless you have any other idea then say it because we both know that this is the only one."

I sigh and shake my head not saying a word. I knew he was right but I didn't want that. There has to be another way. I don't knoe scared him so badly that he won't mess with us. But what can we do to scared him? Unless we torture him or something but I don't like that.

We are talking about Mitch. If we scared him he will only be scared for a couple of days then come back and pretend non of that happened. This was hopeless.

A commotian then started and turn around seeing a group of men coming in with guns. One of them shot up at the ceiling causing everyone to scream and fall down to the floor going under the table. "Everyone listen up!" He yells. I look over at Jay and smiles at me reasurringly silently telling me to just stay under the table. "The doors are lock and there is no way out. I want all of you to come sit up front on your knees where I can see yall!!"

People hesitated but as soon as one of them shot up at the cealing we all quickly ran up front and do as we are told. The DJ was still playing and they turned off the disco ball and the songs and turn the lights on. All the men checked the whole building making sure no one was hiding. Once everything was secure they all look down at us with mischief in their eyes.

It was one thing being the one with the guns and another when you are the one on the floor feeling hopeless. I can feel the adrenaline and my heart pumping loudly feeling for the first time scared.

"Please why are you doing this?" A male says begging and slowly gets up but one of them yells in anger and shots him causing people to scream and yell. Acting on instinct people got up to ran straught towards the door banging on it trying to open them but to no avail.

The bad guy growls and pointed his gun at them counting  down to ten, "Ten...nine. . eight....seven." When people noticed he was counting some quickly went back to their positions with fear while others where to focus on trying to open the door. "Six... five."

"Yall stop and get down please!" A women yelled begging them to stop. "They will shoot."

"Four...three..." all the six males focus their guns on the people ready to shot. "Two...one..zero." Two people manage to get down on their knees on time before they started shooting. They where screams all over and some poeple cover their ears and shut their eyes shut not wanting to hear or see people's life being taken away.

I didn't look anywhare but down on the floor thinking about everything I did wrong. I actually did felt guilty stealing from the bank and now wished to just live a normal life. This was horrifying and wanted it to stop.

I wanted for both Captain Man and Kid Danger to save us all.

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