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I will never forget those horrifying sounds that came from behind me. The sounds soon came to a stop and only those alive where crying silently trying not to angry them. In the corner of my eyes I can see Jay was calm but also avoided eye contact with anyone. He must be really good at hidding his fear.

"Okay people!" One of them shouted. "I want yall to listen up. If you do what you are being told you will make it out of here alive! Understand!" He shouted. People nodded and some sobbed in response.

"Okay so right now we just want to test something right now." Onether explains who was a bit shorter then the other three men. They all had mask on covering their identities and with weapons in hand ready to shot if needed. "So yall need to stay calm and relax."

"What do you want from us?" A lady yelled. She was the cleaning lady that worked for the salon making sure everything is well cleaned and not trashed. She was very nice and of course people took advantage of that and just purposely threw the trash on the floor just to make her work harder.

Then a door slams open and there comes in a male with short brown hair and brown facial hair. He was wearing an overcoat with a collered shirt and black trousers. "Hello everyone." He announces himself proudly and in his hand he had a gun. "I am well known as Dr. Minyak! And don't worry I wont hurt you all unless Captain man decides to come and sorrounder along with his fellow sidekick Kid Danger."

"Dr. Minyak is a mad doctor. Very dangerous." Jay whispers at me as I looked at him. Me on the other had no idea who this was. "He actually is one of the most well known criminals here in Swellville."

To be honest I really don't pay attention to hardly anything thats been going on here in Swellville. When I first came here I knew about the high crime rate and about the heros since that's all people talked about. I was actually interested at first and I felt it was cool to have super heros in this town. I was actually a big fan of both of them but then stopped obsessing over them since I comit crime by robbing banks.

They where here to capture criminals like me and I wouldn't stand a chance with them so I just got over them and went over with my life.

"I would like to..." Then Dr. Minyak was inturrupted by the front double doors being slamed open scaring everyone including me. I looked over seeing non other then Captain Man and Kid Danger walking in with their chest puff out looking intimidating.

"Is Captain man!! And kid Danger!!" I hear people shouted with excitment and relief that they will finally get saved.

Captain Man nods at them in aknowlegment feeling proud of himself while Kid Danger smiled at them then quickly focusing on the bad guys.

The four gun man looked at them with fear pointing their guns at him ready to shot. Meanwhile, Dr. Minyak was slightly annoyed and confindent that he can beat them and walked pass the four males and looks directly at the two heros. "Well if it isn't Captain Man and Kid Danger here." He chuckles evily.

"Let this people go. Or else." Captain Man threatens making himself look bigger.

Dr. Minyak waves at him and shakes his head, "nope. Not until you surrender yourselves." He smiles widely as if they will say yes and get down on their kness to do whatever they where told.

Behind them a women sneakily walks in without the heros knowledge and before anyone can say anything she sprays some perfume behind Captain Man's neck. In reflex he jumps and looks behind him seeing her jump as well and ran out the doors.

Well that was weird, I thought.

Dr. Minyak's smile turn to a chesire cat grin and then yelled, "attack him!!" He shouted at the males. All quickly reacted and starting shooting at them. Kid Danger easily dodge the bullets and ran towards them while Captain Man just walked up front to them and since the man who where shooting at him where to scared they kept missing their bullets on him.

"We should escort people out." I whisper at Jay slowly getting up. Jay looks at me with worried then back at the scene in front of us seeing no on noticed and gets up as well. Dr. Minyak was to busy yelling at his four coons to beat them and shouting in frustration when one of them was knocked out cold.

Kid Danger grabs one from collar and slams him down to the ground hard. The male underneath him gasp then another came to his rescue and punched Kid Danger on his cheek. He stumbles back and looks at him then Captian man who had a male in his grasp threw him on top of the male who punched Kid Danger.

"Damn it!!" Dr. Minyak shouted in anger. "Yall are so useless!!"

Meanwhile, Jay and I escorted people out as quick and quiet as possible but then a bullet was shot right in front of my face causing me to froze along with the remaining people left. "Stop!!" Dr. Minyak rushed towards us and we all scramble back watching him with wide eyes. "You!!" He points at us.

We didnt know exactly who he was pointing at but he was looking at us all searching for who to blame. Jay steps in front of me in a protective manner and this caught the Mad doctor's attention.

Behind him I can see Captain Man noticed what was happening and with wide eyes he did the mistake of turning his back on one of the coons he was fighting and got hit in the back of his head with his gun knocking him down.

"What do yall think you are doing?" The doctor yells and grabs hold of Jay which I automatically grab hold of his arm pulling him towards me. The doctor looks at me and throws Jay to the ground and looks behind him for a few seconds seeing Kid Danger strugling since he was to worry for his boss who was on the floor.

Dr. Minyak looks at me with a smirk "guess I won." He chuckles then his chuckles soon turn to evil laughter in a dramarit way. I get down to make sure Jay is okay which he nodded and look at Kid Danger for help.

I made eye contact with him for two seconds which was enough for Kid Danger to get back his strenght and looks back at the coons with a determined look. The coons all yelled and attacked him and Kid Danger dodge every hit with a smirk. "Come on guys. Is this all you got?" He mocks then landed a punch one of them knocking him out.

Then Kid Danger quickly triped another one while managing to dodge a punch. He kicked the one that fell on the face knocking him down and went for the last one standing. He instantly ran towards him causing the male to gasp at the sudden speed and was soon knocked out.

He quickly helped Captian Man up who was slowly waking up from conscioness and sits up. They both look at the doctor seeing he was still laughing then stopped to catch his breath feeling so proud of himself. But that soon was wiped out of his expression and gasp in shock at seeing his man on the floor.

"What in the world!?" He shouted and steps back in hear next to us who all looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Captain Man stands up in all his glory and slowly walks towards him being followed by his sidekick.

"Its over." He said in his deep Captian Man's voice.

"No." He yells grabbing me and putting me in front of himself to protect himself. My first thought that came to mind was to question whether he was drop as a baby and hit himself hard in the head.

Both heros where annoyed and still walked towards us. Jay noticed the doctor grabbing his gun and he quickly took it away making Dr. Minyak whine. Kid Danger then grabs hold of my arm pulling me towards me instantly causing me to gasp from the sudden action and Dr. Minkay startled by it as well seeing how fast that happened.

I landed on his chest and looked up at him seeing him already lookind down giving me a wink. "Hello there."

Fuck me this was hot.  I thought to myself blushing like crazy.

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