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The next day, it was hilarious. Jasper and I got together and smiled at Henry with the most innocent smiles we could muster. Of course, that scared Henry since he believed we would do something to him, which we would. He kept clinging to Charlotte, believing that if he was with her, we wouldn't do anything to him.

Charlotte was annoyed with him but, at the same time, enjoying this too much. She even yelled at him when the class ended, pointing behind him with a panicked look. "Watch out, Henry!" He yelled and quickly turned behind him, preparing himself for what was to come. Charlotte just laughed and walked away with an annoyed Henry.

"This is actually very intertaining?" Charlotte walks up to me and Jasper which we where still laughing at Henry. Henry just glared at us.

"Hi. Its officially meeting you Y/n." Charlotte sticks her hand out and I shake it with a smile. "You are lucky to be partner up with Jasper and Henry while I was paired up with Mitch and Oliver." She let out a loud groan.

"Yeah. I feel bad for you." I said matter of factly. I wonder how she was handling it. I even wonder if either of them go to each others houses to do the project. I doubt it. Poor Charlotte.

"Yeah I feel bad for you." Henry mimics me silently but a little to loud for me to hear and even got in front of my face looking down at me. "Blah blah blah. That's all I hear. Just you..."

"Henry!!" Jasper yells loudly causing for the blond hair male to jump yelling and looking everywhere in a fighting stance. We all began to laugh.

He scoffs and just prentended as if he didn't get scared. "I am goooood." He smirks. "You.." he points at Charlotte who frowns, "you..." he then points at Jasper and at last me, "and you." He glares playing it off seeming to be fearless. "Don't scare me. In fact I am ready for whatever you and Jasper are planning."

"We'll see." I patted his shoulder and walked away. Jasper did the same, following behind me. Henry looked at Charlotte for help, but she just shrugged and followed behind us. Henry groaned and followed us, wondering where we were going.

I didn't have a clue. It was the end of the school year, and I wasn't in the mood to go home. I wanted to do something fun, and seeing these three people following me for no reason, I noticed a flyer glued to a post light. It read, 'Carnival rides and more at Swellville Park.'

"We should go!" Jasper shouted in excitement. I, on the other hand, wondered when a carnival came to this town. Friday was in two days, and Jasper and I had a group meeting with the others about the decision they were going to make about capturing Captain Man and Kid Danger.

How are we going to get together if there is a carnival going on in the park? The park was wide enough to fit a carnival, but still, I didn't see any announcement or anything saying anything about a carnival. This town is so weird.

"Fine, let's go," Henry says and walks past us. We followed him all the way to the park, seeing the carnival. There were big rides and food stands everywhere. There were kids running around and some teenagers screaming their heads off, riding the big rides like the Zipper or the Fireball ride. It looked so much fun.

"We should get on the Zipper," I suggested. I met with silence and slowly looked over at Henry, Jasper, and Charlotte, who had horrified expressions. I rolled my eyes and begged, "Come on. It will be so much fun. Don't be such wusses."

Henry was the first to laugh nervously, waving me off. "Oh no. I'm not a wuss. I'm actually very brave. Yep, very brave," he stammered. "So we should first get something to eat since I'm starving, then go to the bathroom for like an hour," he continued, and we all watched him with a 'really' look. "Then we should..."

"Enough!" Charlotte exclaimed, startling him. "I'm not riding any rides, but since Henry here..." She pushed Henry towards me. "Is brave, then you two should get on the rides while we watch from down here on the ground."

"What?!" Henry exclaimed.

Before he knew it, we were both on the zipper ride, screaming. I was screaming out of pure joy and loving the feeling while laughing at the same time. Henry, on the other hand, was screaming, grabbing my hand tightly as if his life depended on it. He was pressing his feet on the floor tightly, letting out gasps and screams of, "I hate this!!"

Once we were out, of course, Henry acted all high and mighty. "I'm all good," he chuckled, but soon stopped when I suggested going on the Fireball ride. "On the Fireball, you say?" Henry asked, crying from the inside.

"Yes," I smiled innocently.

"I, uh... I need... I need..." he stammered but then jumped when a pair of hands slammed down on his shoulders.

"I"I agree with the lovely lady."

I look at the man, not knowing who he was, but Henry seems to know him, seeing how he looks at him and gives him a glare. "No, Ray. I am hungry. Yep, that's it!! I am hungry." He chuckles.

"What's your name? My name is Ray. Henry's boss," the said Ray says with a smug look. "Y/n," I introduce myself. His boss is not bad-looking. He is handsome, and he knows it with the way he carries himself and how the ladies that pass by give him flirty looks.

"Well, Y/n. We are actually going to that Fireball you mentioned." He grins, which makes me return it with excitement. Poor Henry, who seems terrified but still gets in with us, not wanting to seem like a coward.

When the day was over, we were all sitting down on a bench, eating a corn dog. Henry seems like he was just recovering from escaping a serial killer while the rest of us ate in peace, making comments about how good the corn dog was.

I had a lot of fun. In fact, this is one of the few days I have had fun. These people were not bad, but actually good people. While I, on the other hand, was just someone who robs banks along with Jasper.

Sometimes I do regret doing what I do, but at the same time, I enjoy it a lot. I get to have money. Tons of it without getting a job or anything. It is free money. I buy whatever I want and get to do whatever I want. I know it's bad, but oh well. We only live once, so we might as well enjoy it and just deal with it.

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