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"Oh my gosh!" A lot of people started surrounding me as soon as I entered the school, which startled me. I was confused as hell, and they all screamed like crazy, wanting to know what happened the previous night.

I mean, the news did talk about what happened, so I don't understand why they're even here. "How does he feel?" one girl shouted, fangirling, her grin wide with excitement.

"Wait, what?" I wasn't getting it.

"There was a video that's going viral, and it shows how Dr. Minyak had you in front, and both Captain Man and Kid Danger were so close to you!" another said.

I frowned, not remembering anyone recording. Maybe I was too focused on the scary situation to even realize. "What video?"

"And Kid Danger pulled you to him, and you got to touch him!!!" A girl right next to me practically yelled in my ear, which made me cringe. "So, tell us about your experience!!"

These people are crazy. People died, and it wasn't fun to be there, but these people don't seem to care and go straight to the heroes. Yes, we should all be thankful for them, but let's not forget those people who died that day. It was tragic.

"Excuse me." I heard a male voice say, pushing past people. I noticed it was Henry. "Come on, guys, leave her alone," he said. Since people ignored him, he sighed and walked towards me, taking my arm and dragging me out of the crowd, away from everyone. I was so thankful for him.

"Henry," I said, but rolled my eyes when people followed us.

"Everyone to class now!!" Ms. Shapen yelled, popping out of nowhere in the middle of the crowd, glaring at everyone and startling them. "Go now!! Scram!"

Everyone quickly ran away to class, including Henry and me, but Ms. Shapen stopped us. "Except for you, Y/n, and Henry!!" We both froze, slowly turning to look at her, seeing her smile as she made her way towards us.

"Guys! Look at this!" Jasper shouts as he runs inside the building with a bucket. He stops when he sees Ms. Shapen giving him a dead glare. "Nevermind. Bye." He runs away, heading to class.

Ms. Shapen takes a deep breath and turns to look at us, smiling. "So, I was wondering if, since you...you know, went to the party..." She looks directly at me, which confuses me, but then I realize she wants to know more about Captain Man. Everyone knows she has a crush on him. I do feel kind of bad for him.

"You got really close to, you know who, and I would like to know everything." She smiles dreamily. Henry and I stare at each other as if she's grown two heads. "Every detail."

Henry chuckles nervously. "Yeah, well, we've got to go to class."

"Shut up, Henry!" She snaps at him, making him go silent. Then, she goes back to her dreamy state, looking at me. "Well..." I can't believe this. She's insane. Maybe she also fell down when she was a baby. Poor her. I am thankful that she scares the students away, but she's just as insane as all the others.

There is only one way out of this situation, even if Henry wasn't even there in the park—only at the beginning, then left with no explanation. Now that I think about it, I'm curious; I might just ask him. Like, he left me there—what the hell? But I'm thankful he got out and didn't have to experience everything. "Look, is that Captain Man!?" I exclaim excitedly, pointing behind her.

Even Henry turns around to look, which gives me the chance to quickly grab his arm and pull him away, running as quickly as possible. Leaving Miss Shapen looking behind her, searching for her favorite hero, "Where? I don't see him." She squints her eyes to see better.


After school, I head over to Henry's house to start on the project with Jasper. We're in his room, trying to figure out what we want to do. "We should create a video or a PowerPoint. Yeah, maybe a PowerPoint," Jasper says.

"I honestly don't care. As long as we finish it and get a good grade, then we're good." I shrug, sitting down on Henry's bed and making myself comfortable. Henry is walking back and forth, seeming worried about something and not paying any attention to us. "Henry? Are you okay?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

He froze and chuckled, "Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking about the project."

"Right?" Jasper frowned, not believing him but quickly shrugged it off and started pointing out what we could add to the PowerPoint.

I shrugged, listening to Jasper, but then my mind wandered back to the party and how Henry disappeared. "So, Henry," I started, and he jumped, feeling startled, and me being perplexed. Yep, something was bothering him. "You got so lucky that you left when those bad guys came."

Henry froze and laughed nervously. "Yeah, I know, right? So lucky."

"So why did you leave with no explanation?" I asked. "You left me alone." I stared directly into his eyes, which he seemed to squirm and was a stuttering mess.

"Well, I, uh...well, you see, I, uh." He then spoke so fast that I didn't quite understand him and he immediately changed the subject. "I want to do a PowerPoint!" he exclaims.

I sigh, knowing he won't talk and not wanting to press him. Something was telling me he was hiding something. I knew it was a secret; it was obvious from the way he was acting. Maybe he wasn't comfortable talking about it. Hmm, well, it wasn't my place to discover it. I had no business needing to know what he was hiding. I hardly knew him, so I couldn't really do anything about it.

If I had a secret, I wouldn't tell a person I had just met a couple of days ago. I would need to truly know that person to finally open myself up. So, for me, it wasn't a big deal.

We began our project and started talking about what to add to the slides. Jasper wanted to decorate it in as much detail as possible, while I just typed everything on the laptop and made sure everything was correct. "We should put Mitch as an example of being a bully," Henry jokes.

"We should," I agree. "And you as the guy being bullied." Jasper chuckles.

I Laugh and Henry quickly defended himself. "He will never. I will not let him bully me."

"Remember the time when we were outside with Miss Shapen..." Henry quickly grabs a pillow close to him and smacks him on the face, shutting him up. "Shut up, Jasper."

"Aw, I want to know," I say, acting all sad.

"No. Absolutely not." Henry declines as he flicks my forehead.

"Ow!" I rub myself and flick him back, but I hit him on the ear. He yelps and looks at me as a challenge. "Oh, you really want to go?" He makes himself look big, challenging me to start a fight.

"I am on team Y/n!" Jasper shouts.

"You started it," I defend myself, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his face. He dodges it and smirks, feeling proud of himself.

"Well, come on. Throw me another one. If you can." He backs away, giving me a wink.

I take another pillow and threw it at him, and again he dodges it. I knew his ego was going higher. I look at Jasper, who understood what I was saying, and we both quickly got pillows and threw them at him, which he dodged. He fakes a yawn and gives us bored looks. "Just admit it. You two can't throw pillows at me."

I stopped and went up to Jasper to whisper in his ear, "We should get him when he least expects it, but not with pillows." Henry frowned, trying to hear what we were saying. Jasper turns to me and whispers back, "Like a prank?!" I nodded, grinning.

"Oh yeah." Jasper laughs, making an evil laugh.

"Well, let's get to work." I say. I noticed Henry looking at us with confusion but, at the same time, scared of not knowing what we were planning. I just blew him a kiss, which made him blush, but he tried to play it off by slowly coming towards us. "Okay. Let's get to work. Only work." He demanded. "Work." He whispers the last part at us in a dramatic way.

I laugh.

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