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Luna's spirits soared when Rafael showed up with a bag of lollipops. Despite spending the past seven days helping out in the kitchens of the camp, which now housed almost three hundred people, Luna struggled to connect with anyone else. The loss of Glory weighed heavily on her.

She discovered that there were other camps similar to this, one situated in the largest military armory. People around the world were fighting with whatever means they had, in whatever way they could. Death had become a daily occurrence, with people venturing out to hunt for supplies and never returning.

Luna had tried to find different clothes to wear without much luck, but she did come across a pair of boots that served her much better than those ballerina flats. She discovered that the shower was a small waterfall close by, but it was forbidden to venture out alone.

Luna found herself unable to sleep for more than a couple of hours, with Camila's ghost a constant presence haunting her thoughts. Out of boredom, Luna started to talk to the ghost, sharing her day and discussing new discoveries, but the ghost never replied.

Her bow had new arrows, a gift from an admirer, a soldier from the group that found her after she killed the queen. It seemed she had a few fans among the soldiers who saw her fight against the demons and considered her some sort of hero. Luna laughed at the notion, feeling she was merely executing Camila's orders.Overall, the past few days were spent with Luna recovering from her injuries. She found it cute how overprotective Rafael had become with her. He almost lost his mind when she showed him her quiver full of new arrows.

She hadn't had the courage to look at herself in the mirror. The stitches were still in place, but the skin felt much better. Luna's body was almost back to its natural ivory hue. Except for her face and ribs, she almost didn't feel any more pain. It had been two days since she started practicing her aim against a tree.

"Why can't you just relax ?" Rafael was frustrated behind her.

She twirled the lollipop in her mouth. "I am relaxing." She deadpanned. He didn't looked convinced. " I started practicing archery when I was like twelve... My father suggested it as a way to relieve the my hormone induced misbehavior." She smiled nocking another arrows. " So believe me when I say, this is what I do to relax." She shoot it.

" Fine..." He murmured after sometime. "Just be careful with your stitches." He pointed to her ribcage. She nodded at him. " I am assigned to the next scavenger group. We leave tomorrow."

Luna's heart sank. The last group didn't came back. "I will go with you." She took aim, but missed her mark. "Don't even try to waste your time trying to convince me to stay."

"Luna... I can't put you in danger." His eyes were full of concern and something else.

"You are not putting me in danger." She deadpanned. " Besides I need to find tampons. Those pads they have here are hell on earth."

"Talking about your period to make a guy uncomfortable doesn't work on me." He looked unimpressed. " I had a sister." He crossed his arms.

Luna smiled mischievously, she got caught. "Doesn't matter. I am still going."

She stood out like a sore thumb among the military-clad group, dressed in a lavender flowing knee-length dress paired with military-style boots. The leader was rightfully reluctant to let her follow along, but a few soldiers who were more than happy with her presence managed to convince him otherwise.

The group, consisting of thirty people, trekked on foot along a road leading to a nearby town. Their mission: to scavenge for food and medical supplies. Rafael remained by her side, still unhappy with her decision to come along. Conversation was forbidden, as the constant cloudy weather provided cover for the Xenomorphs, which roamed freely even during the day. Despite the onset of autumn, the temperature remained unnaturally hot and humid, unaffected by the season.

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