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Luna sensed a shift in the camp's atmosphere. Divisions were forming, tensions rising. This wasn't what she intended when she decided to speak up. She only wanted to be honest, to ensure everyone understood why she acted as she did. However, it seemed her actions had unintended consequences. The camp's leadership, including Moore and four others, were growing increasingly wary of her. They were a close-knit group, and Luna's actions had disrupted their control. As Sergeant O'Brien had warned, gossip was spreading rapidly, like wildfire on a scorching day. Luna couldn't shake the feeling that she had set something in motion that she couldn't control.

Weirdly enough, no one seemed to care about to fact that the planet was deemed unsalvageable. Luna couldn't see any movement of preparation for the rescue. Thinking about it, she made way to the medical tent.

"Sargent O'Brien, can we talk?"

The older man was taking stock of his supplies, he lowered his glasses and faced her. " Sure." He signalled for her to sit down. "Did you popped any more stitches?"

"No... No new injuries either." She fidget with her fingers. She took a deep breath. " Remember when you told me that military people enjoy a good gossip?" He perked up and nodded. "What does it means when some important information is not being.... Wildly discussed?"

O'Bryan raised his brows. He hummed. "Maybe the information is not that important..." He thought for a second. "Or it could have be ordered to keep it quiet."

Luna nodded frowning. "If I share something with you, can you spread the information?" She smiled. She suspected that Commander Moore was purposefully retaining the rescue information. She didn't knew why.

"Will it get me in trouble?" He asked looking at her suspiciously.


"Then, by all means, do tell me." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Luna took a second to react. Sargent O'Brien's actions were impossible to predict. She took a deep breath. " The Predators. They said earth cannot be saved. They offered to take us to another place. They will come for us tomorrow, but nobody seems to be doing nothing about it. There's no preparation whatsoever. I don't know what was supposed to happen, but this nothingness is making me weary."

The man went pale for a moment, his breath caught on his troath. "You are Fucking kidding me right?" He ran a hand on his salt and pepper hair. "This can't be true."

"I am telling the truth. Rafael told me that they warned Commander Moore yesterday after the..... The problem with her brother." Luna's gut feeling was screaming at her that something wasn't right. "I think people have the right to know and prepare properly to leave."

O'Bryan took a sit, his breathing uneven. He was shaking. "This is... " He couldn't finish. He had tears rolling down his eyes. Luna offered him water, wich he accepted. "Commander Moore had ordered a new group to go for supplies tomorrow. I don't think she is planning on leaving." He was shocked. "Holy shit. This is big. I knew they were helping. But to offer to take us somewhere else.... Do you trust them?"

Luna thought for moment. She smiled, "I do."

The medic took a deep shuddering breath. "Well then. Let's spread this out."

She left the tent knowing he would make sure everyone knew what was to come.  Luna accepted the fact that she was now in the middle of something bigger than her.

Commander Moore and the others were up for no good. She could feel it. Decided to make sure everything would go smoothly tomorrow, she ran to the waterfall.

"Thö'run!" She called and awaited. Luna was biting the corners of her nails. She felt his arms snaking on her waist from behind. She leaned on him. Drinking in his scent and basking in his warmth. "You can understand me right?" She turned around to face him. He tilted his head and nodded. "I am probably just paranoid, but I think the Commander Moore is planning something bad." His whole demeanor changed. A chill ran down her spine. "She deliberately hidden the fact that you offered to take us away. I don't know why, but..." She trailed off, he cupped her face. "It's just a gut feeling. I think I've started something and I don't know if I can handle it."

The Hunter enveloped her in his arms, his low purring reverberating through her chest. Luna leaned into him, finding solace in his comforting embrace. Despite the bruises and soreness plaguing her body, she couldn't bring herself to sleep. The nightmares lurked, haunting her every thought. How she longed for simpler times, free from the relentless threat of Xenomorphs and the chaos they wrought. Though tears didn't fall, an ache stirred within her, a silent lament for the world she once knew.

Yet, in Thö'run's presence, Luna found a glimmer of reassurance. She knew he would watch over her, never leaving her side. With him by her side, she felt a flicker of hope.

"Luna!" She heard Rafael's voice calling for her. She didn't miss the growl bubbling from Thö'run's chest. "Holy shit!"

Shock and disbelief, that's what Luna saw in her friend's face. "Rafael... This is Thö'run." She introduced. Thö'run didn't reacted.

"Mother of God!" Rafael swallowed audibly. "Luna are you sure you are okay with whatever is happening between you two?" He stammered, his voice shaking slightly.

Luna smiled "I am. Don't ask me to explain though..." She offered.

Her friend open and closed his mouth a few times before collecting himself. "It's actually good he is here." Rafael stared at the towering predator. "Commander Moore is planning on attacking the predators."

Thö'run growled low. Luna gasped, her insides turning cold. " Are you sure?" She asked,  Rafael nodded.

Luna walked side by side, both males kept silent. "Thö'run, what time do you guys are planning to come to take us?" The Hunter cocked his head to the side, after a while he tipped on his wrist device. An hologram was floating above his wrist. The image showed the sunset.

Luna nodded. "That's ok. We can work with it." She murmured. Then turned to Rafael, " Tell everyone you trust about the rescue." Her voice was shaken but determined. "Those guys you said that would follow if I ever leaved the camp, tell them Moore was kind enough to ask me to leave, and now is plotting against the hunters."

"She did what?" Rafael was angry.

"I didn't had the time to tell you, she came for me last night. Asked me nicely to simply leave." Luna resumed. "But that doesn't matter now. Just tell them that I will probably need some help."

"What are you planning Kiddo?" Rafael asked both suspiciously and excited.

"I believe it's time for a change of command." The words were heavy on her heart, but she was sure that it was the only way.

"Bout Time!" Rafael nodded. " I will round the troops and put things in motion." He took a breath. "Keep an eye open and your guard high." With that he left.

Luna's heart was hammering, her whole body was shaking. She was insane, she knew that, even so she was surprised with herself. "Oh fuck!" She murmured running a hand on her head. Thö'run was watching her intensively. His chest was expanded and he was purring. She hugged him, hiding her face on his abs again. "I am scared."

Thö'run chuckled softly, crouching down beside her. Gently, he took her left hand in his right hand, intertwining their fingers. With his other hand, he gestured first to her, then to himself, and finally to their joined hands, a silent promise. They would be together in this.



See y'all soon!!


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