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As Luna stood by the door, a whirlwind of emotions churned within her, her fingers absentmindedly twirling a lollipop in her mouth. The weight of the recent events bore down on her, her head throbbing with the weight of uncertainty.

Across the room, Camila's gaze lingered on Luna, a bittersweet sadness tainting her expression. Luna could sense that their time together was drawing to a close, a heavy realization that weighed heavily on her heart. The thought of parting ways with her best friend filled Luna with a sense of unease, unsure if she was truly ready to bid farewell to the one who had been her constant companion through the storm.

"You looking like shit." Rafael voice was coarse. "You need to rest Luna."

Luna nodded, "Do you think it will be okay if I leave for awhile? ." She turned at him taking a deep breath.

He smiled at her, "I got your six kiddo."

Luna hugged him. "How are the soldiers?" She asked looking at those without their camouflage jacket's.

"They are tense." His voice was low, he sounded just as tired as she looked. "They know they almost screwed up big time. They were simply following orders and it sucks to be on the wrong side." He showed her shoulder playfully. "They will recover, give'em time okay?"

She smiled at him "That's good enough for me."

As Luna turned and left the great hall, her steps quickened with the weight of her anxiety gnawing at her insides. Determined to find Thö'run, she navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the massive ship until she encountered a solitary Predator standing sentinel.

Summoning her courage, Luna approached the imposing figure and made her request. The Predator regarded her with a stoic gaze, the features of his mask betraying little emotion as he processed her words. After a moment's pause, he gestured for her to follow, and Luna fell into step behind him, her heart pounding with anticipation.

They traversed the winding passageways in silence, Luna's mind racing as she tried to commit the route to memory amidst the maze-like layout of the ship. Each step brought her closer to her goal, though the enormity of the vessel made her feel small and insignificant in its vastness.

Finally, they arrived at a pair of metallic double doors, the Predator's hand swiftly activating the scanner with a barely perceptible gesture. With a soft hum, the doors slid open, revealing what lay beyond.

As Luna entered the meeting room, a sense of trepidation washed over her, mingling with the air of importance that hung palpably in the air. The room was dominated by the presence of five Hunters, engaged in intense conversation over a holographic display depicting alien lettering and the image of a reddish planet.

At the far end of the table, Thö'run commanded the room with his authoritative presence, his focus unwavering as he deliberated with his fellow Hunters. Luna hesitated at the entrance, feeling like an intruder in this solemn gathering of alien warriors. She toyed with the idea of slipping away unnoticed, but before she could make a decision, the door swooshed closed behind her, sealing her fate within the confines of the room.

Caught between the urge to retreat and the need to fulfill her purpose, Luna stood frozen in place, uncertain of her next move as she awaited Thö'run's acknowledgment.

"Luna," Thö'run's voice broke through the tense silence, drawing her attention with a sense of familiarity and warmth. A smile graced her lips involuntarily at the sound of her name, a small reassurance in the midst of uncertainty.

As Luna approached Thö'run's side, she felt the weight of the room's collective gaze upon her, a mixture of curiosity and expectation. With a steadying breath, she stood tall, ready to face whatever awaited her.

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