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Her body was wasted. Her mind was coming down from the lustful high. She expected to feel shame or emptiness, but all she felt was satisfaction and happiness.

She was still draped on his chest, still naked and drenched from a mix of sweat and rain. He was purring, twirling a strand of her hair in his hand. She listened to his heartbeat, the compass so different from her own, it was weirdly soothing.

"I don't even know your name." She mused out loud. For a moment he stopped all his movements. She dreaded she had said something wrong. But then, he laughed. Her whole body shaking with it. His laugh was something so out of this world but it was contagious.

He talked. "Thö'run" Luna looked at him, dumbfounded. He repeated the word. She smiled knowing he was sharing his name.

Luna tried the word a few times. She would mess up his name, wich would earn a fit of laughter from him. She tried many times until, "Thö'run?" He nodded enthusiastically. She repeated the name and he confirmed."I am Luna." She offered.

"Luna." He growled her name, getting it right on the first try.

"I wish I could understand you. I have so many questions..." She confided.

He traced her face with his claws. He growled something in his language. She leaned on his touch. Her heart full of fellings she was to scared to name and her mind a hurricane of doubts.

Luna dragged herself back to the tent, he had been called and had to leave. This time he didn't vanished, he awaited for her to get dressed and surprised her by jump several feet's in the air, disappearing over the mountain.

As she walked she could feel the soreness on her hips. He had sunk his claws pretty deep on her skin, thankfully, he applied a gel of some sort that sealed the wounds and numbed the area. Luna knew it would leave a scar, but strangely, she didn't mind it at all.

The moment she stepped inside the tent, she could feel the tense atmosphere. Ruth and Maria were there, looking at her like she had grown a second head. "Hi." Luna greeted the duo with a smile on her face.

"How could you?" Ruth asked, her voice full of judgment.

"If you are more clear on what you want to know, then maybe I will be able to answer..." Luna popped a lollipop on her mouth, still smiling.

"The creature." Ruth spat. "We could hear his roar all the way from here. How can you betray us and smile about it."

"I think y'all are overreacting." Luna started the process of drying her wet hair. "I don't understand what are you complaining about Ruth. I didn't betrayed anyone."

"You let it kill those men!" Ruth voice elevated a little.

"Right." Luna whole demeanor changed. "Let me very clear about what happened. I was attacked, those men, tried to rape me." She raised her head, "I killed two of them before He arrived to Help Me." She signaled to her bruised face. "You want to judge me, that's is okay. But don't accuse me of betrayal when you don't know shit!"

"I don't believe you!" Ruth voice shoked with frustration.

"That's fine." Luna offered. " Just fucking know that I would do it again if put in the same spot."

"I believe you." Maria whispered, her head hang low. Ruth turned to her with disbelief written all over her face. " Andrea, she is assigned in the storage with me. She showed up one day, badly beaten. She refused to tell us what happened but when she heard the news of Lieutenant Moore death..." Maria voice was shaking. "She cheered. She actually laughed and praised whomever had done it."

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