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The sun was starting to set, people were getting visible tense by the second. Luna could see the soldier moving around the camp outlines, guns at ready. She had just finished helping Ruth and Maria dismantle their tent and was more than ready to just leave.

The clearing bore the scars of its former occupation, the remnants of the camp scattered haphazardly across the landscape. People huddled together in small groups, seeking solace in the familiarity of their companionship. Luna's practiced gaze swept over the assembled throng, estimating their numbers with a cautious eye. One hundred and seventy souls, she surmised, a diverse array of ages, genders, and backgrounds united by a common struggle for survival.

Luna was positioned strategically in the middle of the clearing, her grip on her bow was tight. She could sense eyes on her, she could sense the atmosphere shifting. She knew, she could get killed at any moment, but she didn't cower away.

In the distance she caught Rafael's eyes. He gave a subtle nod at her. They were ready. Commander Moore was going forward with her brilliant idea of stealing the Predator gun's. Luna smirked, how could someone be so fucking dumb? Luna popped a lollipop in her mouth.

Luna's body was shaking, she could feel the pressure to do this right. She knew of Moore's plans but she didn't knew how she would react to loosing Control over everything. Luna didn't understood why people were following her, she was just a girl. Barely an adult, yet here she was, awaiting to take over an entire group of survivors. She would laugh if not for the knot in her stomach.

"You are surrounded Luna." She heard Commander Moore voice. The woman walked in the clearing, wearing a wicked grinm on her bruised face. Behind her the four other responsible for this shit show. "Step away and let the grown ups fix the problem you created." She pointed a gun at Luna. "These civilians aren't going nowhere. We will stay and fight for our home."

Luna nodded. " You can stay if you like. No one is forcing you to go." She reasoned.

Moore laughed. "You don't understand. It's an all hands on deck situation. I need those people. There's no rebuilding civilization without them." Her face contorted in anger. "You gave then that pathetic speech about hope and new beginnings." She chuckled. "The only way to make things right is killing those demons and taking our true home back!" She screamed. "In order to that, I need better guns. And you will give them to me." She cocked her gun.

Luna frowned. "You think you can eliminate the Xenomorphs and then restore peace? Are you dumb or something? Even if you managed to kill the last egg from the last queen. Then what? They killed everything on the planet. There's a nuclear winter in the fucking horizon...Can't you see that this is a lost war?"

"Shut up!" The Commander eyes darted from side to side nervously. "You don't know what you are talking about!" She wiped her forehead with her free hand. "Now, the Predators are coming and you are going to be a good girl and ask them for their guns."

"What if I say no?" Luna raised her head defiant.

"Then I will fucking force you to! " She laughed maniacally. "I imagine what would that aberration would do to rescue his sex-toy." Moore didn't hide the disgust on her tone. "Unless you don't think you are worth the trade. In this case I will simply kill you now."

Admiral Smith was smiling cockily, right next to him, a Latino man was clearly nervous. There were another woman and an old man. They all had gun's pointed at Luna.

"That won't work." Luna voice was calm. She raised her bow. In unison, most of the soldiers walked out from their hiding spots, marching to stand behind her and next the very confused civilians.

Shock coursed through Moore's face, her hand began to shake. "You can't be serious! You are all going to betray me?" She screamed. "I saved your asses! I did ! Not her, not those freaks. I did! I fucking build this place!"

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