Chapter: 1 When I First Met You

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Characters' Description:-
•Sarah , she is 21 years old , software engineer and  is really soft and kind . She is charming and likes to make chaos .
•Advik, he is 23 years old , A CEO ,
•Surya , he is 24 years old and is a mafia in secret . He is manipulative, and is the boyfriend of Sarah . He always threats her if she dares to breakup with him .

It was March 22nd , 2024 , Sarah was scrolling through Instagram. Watching reels , viewing posts and talking with her online friends! Suddenly, she noticed a guy , his username was advik_k , he was pretty much popular with 12k followers. Sarah scrolled through his posts and she found a post which made her simp on him .

She liked his posts and started following him . She decided to message him though she knew he won't probably reply back!
She wrote "Hii , I was scrolling through your posts and I love your aesthetic!!"
She thought *He ain't gonna reply back anyway*
*The next day*
Sarah woke up and checked her phone , suddenly she saw that guy replied her back! She gasped and couldn't believe , she opened the chat it said "Oh hii , btw thankss for viewing my account"
She saw he was active so she decided to continue the conversation
"Omg you replied back??! I can't believe" Sarah replied
"Yeah , I reply back to my followers" Advik replied.
Soon, they started talking and they became friends .
"March 24th 2024 , 21:44"
*Surya , Sarah's boyfriend calls Sarah to meet up with him*
*Sarah agreed and got dressed up to meet him*
"oh you are here" Surya said while slamming a fake marriage contract on the desk .
"What is this?" Sarah asked
"Nothing, you'll have to be my fake wife" Surya demanded
"Sorry I can't do that" Sarah denied
*Surya grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the wall and said*
Do what I say or else... *His grip got tighter*
*Sarah cried in pain and her wrist became red , she said*
"S-Surya I-I will do it p-p-please leave my wrist"
Sarah didn't want to do this, but she decided to do this or else Surya won't leave her alive.
*She signed the paper*
"Good , my lovely wife . Now I won't do anything to you" Surya said with a smirk .
*after Sarah reached back home , she decided to text this to Advik.
*she texted him*
"Hi krish! I wanted to tell you something"
"Yeah sure go on" Advik replied
"Advik, do you know I -um I have a boyfriend?"
"You have a boyfriend?" Advik replied
Advik was a bit upset about this but he brushed it off .
"Yeah and he made a fake marriage contract with me"
"Fake marriage?" He replied
"He grabbed my wrist and he said if I didn't do it he would not leave me alive"
"What? Why are you in a toxic relationship? You should breakup immediately"
"I've got nothing to do about it . He can do anything to me"
"Oh" Advik replied
Sarah said "I was wondering if I was able to meet you"
Advik said "Same actually I really want to meet you , you know"

*after 1 month*

Sarah was casually going to buy some groceries and suddenly she tripped and fell over someone .
She got embarrassed and immediately got up , when she looked at the person she couldn't believe her own eyes . She stared at him and she thought she already fell for him.
She saw......

To be continued

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