Chapter 1

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She felt the sun kiss her tan skin as she opened her eyes slowly. It was still morning, She could tell from the breeze that passed her by. She took in all of the scenery that was before her, the lakes, the field of greenery and it left her mesmerized. She began to wonder how she got there in the first place and whose lap she felt so safe in. "Are you awake my love?" a familiar husky voice whispered into her ear as she felt his soft touch caress her cheek. She couldn't see his face clearly but by Emris was she so sure that she had known him for more than a century. She kept gazing up at his tall figure trying to remember who this man was. The man who ignited the flame in her cold blistered heart. But before she could even utter a single word, she woke up.

This was a recurring dream Luna Archwood had. Always the same place, the same voice, and the same sensation of finally feeling belonged. She never knew the man in her dream. His warmth felt like a thousand little fires, his embrace felt so close yet far. The same voice would wake her up each time, and every time she would pray to Emris that she would meet him soon.

She shook herself awake. I need to get ready. People need me, no time to waste mana on fantasies she thought to herself. It's been four years since she graduated. She was now the Sentinel mage of the princess. Although her title was prestigious she couldn't help but ask for more. Her days began to feel monotonous. Her duties were to protect the princess and the king's barrier from shadow monsters and it holds a lot of responsibility. But she couldn't help feeling that there must be more to her life than these endless battles.

As soon as she stepped out of the dorm wearing her armor, a scout from the academia came running towards her with sweat dripping down his forehead, "Mage Luna the king awaits your presence for the council gathering." He's clearly anxious, it must be his first day in the palace grounds, Luna thought to herself. "Yes, I will present myself for today's duty. But by any chance have you seen my cousin Sentinel mage Helene? White hair, short, obnoxious attitude, and likes waving a giant sword at everyone she meets?" She said with a sarcastic tone, her cousin had quite the reputation around the kingdom. "It has appeared that she has not yet arrived from her night duty," said a sweet voice from behind. "Your Highness apologies.. I- I mean, I, scout Theo was here as a mere messenger for Sentinel mage Luna, your gracious I did no-" The poor scout began to shiver in the presence of Lillian the princess of Otos.

To say the princess was a beauty would be an understatement. Her locks of golden hair reached to her waist, her skin was pale and yet had a subtle flush of pink, and a mere smile from her princess made the guards of Otos quiver in shyness. "Go along boy I have matters to discuss with mage Luna " the princess uttered and without a moment to spare, the scout ran away quickly hiding his face.

"Lily, you gave the poor boy a heart attack," Luna said looking at the 16 year old princess who was clearly amused. "Aw, he reminded me of that deer, the kingdom of Vilatrin gifted me once... except the deer was dead, and the boy is pretty much alive... you get what I mean?" She said gleefully as she gained a concerned look from Luna. "Anyway, let's stop talking about the dead deer and focus on why your dad wants to hold the council gathering this early," Luna said, annoyed. "Who knows really? He never invites me to those gatherings unless it's absolutely mandatory for me to be there.. But more importantly, I wonder what's the hold up with Mage Helene? I mean she promised to give me sword lessons today" said Lillian letting out a sigh. "You know what? I can't believe you actually like her lessons. I mean, I love her but her methods are quite strange to say the least..." As Luna was going on and on about her cousin, she began to notice that the princess was too busy trying to get noticed by a certain mage. "I mean it's not like anyone else is gonna teach me... My father forbade me from holding a sword. Guess being able to protect myself is considered unladylike. I mean no offense...''She said, still having no luck with the young mage. "You sure you didn't come here to just drool on Kayan in his new mage uniform. I must say yellow does suit him better than blue" Luna said, teasing the princess which let Lillian snort a laugh. "Oh for Draven's sake if he looks at me now! I mean not like that, it's important. I just came to greet my favorite mages! let's attend that council gathering together shall we?" the princess said, yanking Luna by force. "Ohh come on I didn't even eat yet or... congratulate Kayan on his graduation " Luna whined while Lillian desperately tried to escape to the throne room.

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