Chapter 8

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 Luna fluttered her eyes open as a white beam of light hit her face. She was back in her dream, under the familiar willow tree and also her head lying on the strangers lap. She slowly turned her head to look at the man. Just like the other dreams, he was reading a book. But today, she could see the subtle details of his clothing. Black adorned armor with a golden hue.

"You awake love?" Once again the familiar question she waited every night to hear.

"I am." She replied and waited to wake up again. But no. Nothing happened. She was still in her dream. What was happening, why is she still not awake. She suddenly started to panic and was about to stand up when the man put the book down.

"Are you okay Luna?" The face she was dreading to see all of these years was now staring right back at her. Her eyes teared up with the sudden revelation that she covered her mouth with her hand. The blue eyes with raven black hair. Damien was sitting In Front of her, concern lacing throughout his face.

" What's wrong love? You are pale as if you have seen a ghost?" His hand found its way to Luna's cheek and she automatically leaned into the warm touch. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. More like she was not ready to accept it. Damien was the one she met every night for the past couple of years. He was now caressing both of Luna's cheeks and his forehead was leaned against her own. Their breaths mingled together as they fell into each other's comfort. That's when Luna felt the weird sensation. She was waking up again. And then the next second she was back to where she was before. Her eyes were still tearing up and she could feel her dampened cheeks. She looked behind her only to see Damien fighting with what seemed like a...spider.

Before Luna's Dream...

" Oh Draven~" Adam sighed. A petite, slender girl with long black hair was sitting on a branch dangling her feet looking directly at the gang rather amused. Her eyes were a bright violet, her skin was pale as the moon and her lips were a red as a rose in spring. She very closely resembled a young girl in her early 20s. She looked so delicate and precious but the way she smiled showed that something far more sinister and cruel lied beneath her facade. She just watched them without uttering a single word, just slowly turning her head back and forth. "Pathetic" she whispered under her breath.

"Should we say something...? Why is she smiling? Maybe if we smile back she'll give us our mages and go away." Adam said, still fixing his gaze on the girl who was sitting and admiring their presence. "Where's Helene anyway?" Adam said, noticing that his favorite blonde had wandered off.

" I think our priority should be that small child on the tree." Logan said, readying to throw his ax towards the girl. " The fact that you are so comfortable with that, makes me question our friendship Logan" said Adam refilling his revolver with bullets.

A laugh erupted from the girl. She was shaking her head, " oh don't be so mean! " she kept whispering under her breath "They can't be too bad" her whispers grew louder but the gang still could not make much of it.

"God she looks fun, let's end it shall we? Oi, you! Up crazy in the tree! We had such a fun time, but we have to go now and we are gonna take our friends with us. So~ this is a bullet with a magical spell and-" before anyone could even say anything, Adam shot her in the head.

"boom~ what can I say, no matter the distance, a perfect shot!" Adam blew the smoke from his revolver and put it into his pocket.

They watched as the lifeless body fell into the ground, shrieking noises came from the trees and the whisperings got worse and worse." ahhhh " Kiara dropped down to her knees covering her ears. "make it stop! make it stop!" Logan went towards her and held her tightly, " it's gonna be okay. Have this."

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