Chapter 7

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The next day Luna awoke to a rustling outside the bubble. "Hells stop making noise..."

she turned around to see her cousin already up wearing her gear and staring at her cousin

'' oh, Emris stop looking at me like that" Luna said, almost annoyed as Helene was staring at her with red eyes. "Someone or something has been outside the shield constantly tapping. It's so faint and familiar, thank Emris you heard it too" said Helene. It was very apparent how much sleep she got as her eyes looked red like rubies. The mages who created the protection wall can sense when something is trying to bring down the wall or when it is meddling with the wall's energy.

" Want me to go check it out with you... you know if you're scared-"

Just as her cousin was about to console her, Helene got up fast.

"Yes please" before uttering a word she left the tent. Luna hurried off to where the sound came.

" There's someone there." Helene gestured to what seemed to be a lost soul wandering the woods.

" It's just a normal spirit, Helene, totally harmless." Luna went closer to the spirit. She felt as though the spirit was calling for her. It took the figure of a little girl and it reached out to Luna, almost like begging for something. Helene's right, her energy feels familiar... like someone I knew completely in awe she kept getting closer and closer almost breaking away from the shield. "Luna what are you doing?!" Damien grabbed her arm, pulling her close to him, breaking her away from the spirits Charm.

"Never look into a spirits eyes they may seem innocent but lord knows what they are hiding... are you ok? did you get hurt? Did the spirit say something?" he said. He took Luna into his chest pulling her close, holding her face with one hand, whilst the other laid on her hip. He was close. Too close. His eyes wandered around every curve of her face, her eyes. Did I worry him. He's very attentive isn't he.. how did he know I was here.. I hope he rested well.. he was pretty tired after the fight.. her thoughts wondered.

" I could be hurt too you know.." said Helene, breaking the intimate moment between the two.

" Mage Helene I see you're awake and well." said Damien after pushing Luna away from his grasp. "Yes, I am Damien. Do I also get a morning greeting or ?" Helene was soon faced with a subtle elbow in the gut.

" Helene was just saying that, there was something outside, bothering her..." said Luna, gritting her teeth at Helene.

" We were just checking you know... gotta keep the gang safe. you know cause dark mage.. powers .. spirits.." what am I saying Luna was fumbling through her words.

" On second thoughts, maybe the spirit did get into your mind. " Helene said playfully squishing her cousins face together. " Hells I swear " just as their fight almost broke out. They heard a chuckle. Damien was laughing covering his mouth with his hand.

" I see you ladies have something to discuss. I'll wake the rest of the team up and gather near the fireplace in 5 mins" he said. "Ok rosey Damien get to-''

" bye Damien meet you in 5'' Luna stopped Helene before it was too late.

lulu what happened last night! Did he make you forget how to talk? Helene said through the mindlink.

" Helene... Luna.." he bowed and walked away ,laughing and Looking down .

" Oooh somebody's got a crush" Helene taunted.

" I don't! He's our client... or the other way around, I don't really know!? ... he was close! Who gets close to the client like that? if he was a knight guard, he would have lost his job.. oh no I'm rambling again aren't I." Luna said trying further not to embarrass herself.

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