Chapter 10

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Credits go to the original owner of the YouTube channel ♥️

"Alright, everyone," Damien announced, clapping his hands together to gather the gang's attention. "Time to change and get ready for the festival. With so many people from different places attending, it's best to keep our identities under wraps without any unnecessary fuss.You'll find your outfits prepared for you in your rooms." he stole a quick glance at Luna before heading off to his own chamber.

"Ladies, allow me to escort you to your rooms," Adam declared, bowing dramatically to the two mages before gesturing for them to follow him down the hallway.

As they entered the town, the air was alive with the sounds of music; a clear sign of the festive season. Children were running around,their laughter adding to the lively atmosphere, while the scent of freshly baked bread filled the gang's lungs, entering them further into the heart of the celebration.

" ha! Paradise!" Adam twirled around while closing his eyes. Luna also closed her eyes enjoying the beauty, the soft wind slipping through her hair and the laughter of people and the little giggles of children. She felt free. She slowly opened her eyes, taking in everything she could.

She caught Damien's gaze,finding him already looking at her. But as soon as their eyes met, he quickly looked away flustered by her attention.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. When I clearly knew that you helped the innocent. I was a reckless fool to say something like that." damien who once was looking at the floor looked at luna. He saw the sincerity of her eyes and his eyes softened.

" Apology accepted." he said without breaking eye contact.

Helene, who was sitting in a nearby bakery eating a freshly baked bun, was really enjoying whatever she was witnessing. She chuckled to herself, savoring the food on her hand.

" hear ye!hear ye! Everyone gather around near the draven statue for we'll dance the night away with our special guest,'taylor swift' teylina swiferton

Everyone including luna and helene went towards the statue of draven. Each and everyone was given a mask to cover their identity to make the dance more mysterious according to the organizers they say.

"Omg I can't believe teylina swiferton is here in viltarin!" Helene jumped in excitement.

" I know right?!? Like she is really here!??" Luna also joined her beloved cousin.

Suddenly a hush fell over the crowds making everyone silent,ceasing their chatter. Everyone was anticipating for the infamous singer to come out to perform her new songs.

" We would like the gals and the lads to come to the center and enjoy the moment."

The announcer said and went to the side,giving access to the young singer.

"Lulu, let's go and dance.!!" Helene grabbed Luna's hand,

"but_" Luna couldn't finish her line as Helene won her to it.

" I know the princess is somewhere stuck inside the palace and we have a bloody duty to full fill! But certainly we have to enjoy just a little don't we? I mean when will we get to do something like this again?" Helene said while giving her best puppy eyes.

Well Helene was right. All these years they haven't enjoyed their life that much. Yes, once a year they would sneak out and go to the emri's festival, but they had to go back because of duty. A little fun wouldn't do a harm would it?.

"Okay let's go!" Helene grinned and both the sisters were off to the center. In the middle of the town there was a bonfire set out and everyone gathered around it. Dancing around the fire just seems to be a splendid idea to both Luna and Helene.

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