Chapter 4

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They awoke the next day and found an old man in a suit holding two cups of tea. " Ahhhh who.. oh let me guess Olfius the butler" Helene screamed rather surprised "Helene stop screaming! ohh that tea I see" said Luna. And without any further questions, she snatched the cup and finished it within seconds "That's hits the spot" she muttered to herself. "Ok.. a bit Rude Lulu.... Thank you for the cup of tea.. sooo how long have you been standing there?" Helene said awkwardly trying to ease out the tension in the room, " Master Damien requests both of your presence in the living room, Olfius at your service" he said and bowed and left the room while the girls looked confused as to what just happened. "what an odd man, but his tea is amazing . Hells, did you try it.." said Luna still holding her cup sniffing the smell of tea that still lingered in the cup. "You and your weird obsession with tea...." she said side eyeing her cousin. "Anyway, I think we should head to the living room... Once you're done sniffing tea, Lulu." Helene said still shuffling around the bed. After what seems like a good 15 minutes they dressed up and went downstairs to the dining room.

Well finding the living room was certainly not easy as the mansion itself was huge. They were thankful that they met the loyal butler on their way to the owner of the so called Knight manner. As soon as they entered they saw new faces except for Logan of course. Logan was sitting at the corner of the table with one girl and one boy beside him. The girl sat in the middle of both of them. She had olive skin with deep blue eyes. She was indeed beautiful. Her black hair complemented her eyes just like tiny stars surrounding the moon. Beside the girl sat a sandy blonde haired guy who smiled with his whole teeth out at the girls. His evergreen eyes made it impossible to even think if a person like that exists. Just from a glance you can see how he playful and fun he is. "Is this a manner or beauty contest! Why do they all look pretty?" Helene mind linked Luna who was just as confused as her sister. "Well they at least show their face unlike Damien." Luna said while taking the seat opposite of Logan and the other two. " You two must be the archerwood sisters! Pleasure I'm Adam Anderson, the only normal one in the group." Adam said while extending his hands to the sisters. " Pleasure, Luna Archerwood." Luna shook his hand. " Yeah nice to meet you, Helene Archerwood" Helene also took Adam's hand. But Adam quite didn't seem like he wanted to let go." You are the white haired cold blooded murderer aren't you?!" Adam said holding both of the hands of Helene ,which in fact terrified her." Uhh yes I kill beasts but isn't a 'murderer' a bit too..uhh I don't know, too much. I just protect the people from bad guys" Helene said while uncomfortably smiling. " Oh sorry..o for emiris's sake I'm sorry!" Adam said now apologizing a little bit too much. Helene was saying constantly it's okay yet he didn't stop. " Oh for the love of my ancestors stop it Adam" the girl was holding her head probably trying not to jump on Adam and end his bickering once and forever.

" Sorry for this mess! I'm Kiara knight. Nice to meet you." Kiara smiled at Luna and Helene who were still consoling Adam. " Wait so you are the wife.? " Helene put on a shield upon her self so Adam couldn't no longer physically touch her hand. " That's the most yuck thing I have ever heard in my life!!" Kiara fake gagged while looking at the archwoods. " I'm his sister!" As soon as she said that the doors opened to the room, and entered the lord of the manner himself. Still he was covering his face with the mask and the hood. " What's up with all the hiding? May be a scar from a ferocious beast?! Oh skin melted from beast fire?" Helene blabbered every possibility about what happened to Damien's face but when he suddenly took of his mask and hood clearly non of those mentioned facts even mattered anymore. Sharp jawline, blue eyes with a hint of darkness swimming in them, midnight black hair. Well may be he hid his face from the all the ladies in town." I think my brain stopped working for a good second. Like my dear sister, he is the man of your dreams. Of my dreams, everyone's dream.!!" Luna was sighing in content while ogling the handsome lord Infront her. Luna was silent. Silently taking in everything Damien Alexander Knight once hid from her. Hid from them. No matter what he showed now he surely did hide something behind those eyes. " Done staring at me princess? " Damien smirked. " As if you're worth my stare Mr. Knight" Luna held eye contact almost to challenge him to prove otherwise. " Whatever you say" he sat at the end of the table and then came Olfius with all the goodies he prepared for them.

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