Chapter 5

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Before they even knew,  they were in no man's land. The atmosphere was too thick. A green mist surrounded them. You could almost feel the shadow monsters creeping in. The trees seem larger and ever so green than the ones inside the barrier.

Helene was chasing Adam whilst Logan grabbed her by the hood making sure she can't move.

" I swear Adam next time you decide to lift me I'll make sure you won't have an arm," she yelled to Adam, who was now hiding behind Kiara making faces.

Damien held Luna in his arms so close, that Luna could feel his breath on her face. Damien looked at her to see whether she suffered any side effects from coming through the portal. But before he could speak,

"YOU! You 're the shadow prince" she said, pushing Damien away. She held her head as it began to ache so much she almost fell. " Mage Luna I think you shouldn't move so much, unlike your cousin you seem.... Damien said, coming to her assistant. "I don't need help from a criminal. Helene take your sword, we are taking him to the king" Luna said through gritted teeth. Damien quickly came and shut her mouth with his hands." Mage if we make too much noise we'll get company from the undead and none of us will meet the king '' as he said, they heard ominous cries deep from the forest. " Lulu are you ok? you look pale" Helene came running towards Luna who freed herself from Damien's grasp. "You're wanted by the king... you have committed unimaginable crimes'' Luna kept going about the crimes he committed whilst Helene was trying to comfort her. Damien rolled his eyes '' well you wanted MY help and if you think I'm going back to the border with you, my mage, I'm afraid that you are on your own '' he said turning back and started to look at the map.

"Lulu I know you are gonna hate me for this...but think about Lily, we need to get to her... god knows what will happen to her if we wait. Please.... we'll do something about him when we reach home safe with Lilly '' Helene pleaded with Luna as she could still feel the rage within her cousin's eyes. "Ok fine, rosey but only because of Helene. Don't try any funny business because I assure you, I will make sure you can't walk again!" Luna said, staring into Damien's eyes, who seemed to be uneasy after hearing her comment. "Oooo didn't know the royal mage was this bold on the first date did you rosey '' Adam began to tease Damien a bit.


" Hey guys, Don't want to crash your party but we need to be leaving soon," Kiara said, breaking the tension. "I agree the sooner we leave, the faster we arrive at Viltarin. come on Damien" Logan said while placing his hand on Damien's shoulder. "Since we are done with these childish remarks. follow me and always stay together, because the no man's woods is not a place where you want be lost in, trust me" and with the word of the shadow prince they began their journey.

" Oh Adam, please shut it. You have been singing the same song for many hours. I think I'm gonna puke'' Helene said whilst holding her mouth. "To think thieves like you know the ballad of Dawn of the Shadows is really something" Luna grumbled under her breath. "Well I was simply declaring the glorious history of Otos and Viltarin.." Adam now had his arm around Luna. "you know the thief obsessed with power, calls the prince of Draven from the spirit world just to be killed off by some non magic human loser.. Must have been embarrassing. but I'm gonna say something and I'll die on this hill. I bet Emris was sooo hot back in the da-" before he could finish Luna kicked his leg. " Oh noo devotee of Emris how could you..." Adam was holding his leg pretending though as he lost a limb. "Adam that's enough" Logan said, giving a cold look.

"Also you that human loser was a hero. It was the thief who was in the wrong. His obsession with power would lead to many years of destruction..... but I need to know is it true?" Luna asked. "That the leader of our little party is a direct descendant of the thief's clan " she finished her sentence with every word pouring anger.

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