Chapter 6

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"There" Logan shouted and pointed at the arrow which had stopped its trail, but the others were too weak to speak. They looked in horror as they saw the malevolent spirit 'Aieda'. It took the shape of a tree, but the roots and vines of it seemed to be alive. The tree had thorns and left a ghastly smell, so excruciating, it made the air grow thicker.
"Everyone, don't breathe in the air here! cover up your faces! This doesn't seem to be any ordinary mist." Damien commanded whilst the others tied whatever fabric they had around their face.

As they grew closer to the target, they heard loud noises, almost the sound of explosions and a lot of cussing. "take that you vile b**h!!, let go of her now!"
Helene took a quick peek, it was Adam. He was still fighting, throwing small bombs and shooting the tree with his revolver. But the ancient spirit didn't even seem to take any damage. Actually all of the efforts seem to have made the tree more angry.

Dear Emris we forgot about Adam didn't we?... wait did Damien also forget about him... Luna wondered silently.
"Oh my god Kiara," Damien said as he watched his sister being held high up by the roots, tightening its grip making sure she didn't go anywhere .

"I need to save her" just as Damien was going to run, Luna held his hands and stopped him. "Not without a plan, you are not."

"Excuse me, but who put you in charge?"

" I'm sorry Damien, but I don't think you completely know what we are dealing with here..." before Luna could answer Logan said , "The malevolent spirit 'Aieda', the one who feeds on 'fear'."

"umm, I volunteer Logan to be the leader. Since you know... he clearly knows what we are dealing with. Right... bud" said Helene awaiting for a reassuring answer but gaining nothing more but an unenthusiastic stare.

"I actually was a part of Kraizen's expedition back then, and if I had learnt anything at all, it was that all malevolent spirits supposedly have a life core. Destroy it, we can get Kiara back. So all we need to look for is the spirit's heart ." said Logan.

This was the first time the sisters have seen him speaking more than five or less words.

"Okay, does this heart radiate dark energy. Cause then I've already spotted it." said Helene pointing at the huge tree hollow, at least twenty feet above ground, which was glowing in emerald green.

"It seems to be covered in mist, actually. The only problem is getting up there." Damien said, analyzing the field they were in.

"Also, your buddy Adam does not seem he can handle it anymore." said Luna with a worried face.
"Hey blondie! I need you to guard me while I make a run to the core. Logan, use your axe. I need you to find a way to get rid of that branch Kiara's in. And Luna, you're on saving Adam duty. Let's move, we don't have much time. " Damien said.

"Ok chief! I'm on it." said Helene drawing her sword. " Damien, I think I can be a bit more useful, because you know mage and.." Luna kept going on.

"listen princess, I would love to chat, but we have to save my sister before it's too late. We can talk about your contribution, after I kill the beast. ok?" Damien patted Luna on her head as he walked towards Helene whispering their strategy. Luna just stood there flabbergasted, giving Helene a 'that asshole is soo dead look.'

"That's Damien. You'll get used to it" said Logan as he sharpened his ax and went towards the rest of the gang.

Luna huffed and snuck behind Adam. He was fully still immersed in the fight "Listen you tree, let my friend go and I will in trade give you someone else.. Like a mage! you'd love that you know?" He was rambling on.
Is he ok? Why is he trying to bargain with the tree... wait am I the mage....
Luna glanced to see Damien already forming an orb, "Hey Aieda! " just as it heard Damien all of the vines pointed to him, Damien threw the orb towards the core. "That ought to get you rattled up" he muttered. The vines were screeching, they formed a shield protecting the core from Damien. "Damien you came for me" Adam said spreading his arm, only to get dragged behind a tree by Luna. "Oi mage that hurt.." he said.

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