Chapter 3

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" Are you sure Tobius gave us the right directions? This place seems shady af. Not our parents but hell even Emris herself won't be able to find us in this creep hole!" Helene said scrunching her nose. Rats were running everywhere and the roads had more pot holes than concrete . Gutters were filled with muddy water and it seems like maintenance was just a myth. Most of the vendors in the market had patched up eyes and wooden legs. They were ex convicts, the mages could tell. Even the weather contributed to the creepy atmosphere, as it was slightly raining and gloomy. While Luna and Helene were passing by each stall they heard plenty of men whistling at them," lost your way young ladies? I'll help you." One man with almost no teeth said, baring what was left of a smile." If you want to keep your other two teeth with you, I would suggest you to leave us alone." Luna said while gripping her sword, giving him a deadly glare." Feisty I see. You may leave. But you are missing out on a fine diamond ladies!" They heard the man yell while they were at least 15m away. " Heard that one before pal!!" Helene yelled back without looking back at him.

" We might have to ask from someone, Hells. I mean we roamed all through this market and found nothing named ' the Knight's manner' whatsoever." Luna said while still looking around trying to find the place. " If that Tobius lied to us I will kick his arse hard so that he won't even feel he has one." Helene said while looking around mimicking the same as her cousin. "I'm going to ask that guy. He seems pretty decent." Luna said while pointing from her nose at a vendor who was cutting fish. " You call that decent? Are you blind?!" Helene said while making sure her sister didn't grow any horns on her head." "Who else then! The guy there who was looking at us while we roamed this whole market! Oh there's one, pretty sure he is selling some illegal substance. Ah! That one who is literally selling swords while holding a freaking machete himself! Oh an..."; " okay! Okay! You proved your point! Ask from the decent fish guy who is also holding a knife which looks like a freaking sword to me.!" Helene retorted." Much more like it." Luna said while striding towards the fish mart.

" Hello Mr. I'm looking for a place called ' the Knights manner', would you please help us with directions.?" As soon as she ended the word directions the man beheaded the fish with a huge thud." Ouch! " Helene gasped silently while Luna gulped, still keeping her hard posture without breaking character. If anyone knew they were royal mages they wouldn't survive a second. This was an illegal market for Emiris sake. Just when Luna looked back at her cousin because the guy said nothing, the only thing she saw was darkness. She went to a deep slumber and 'it's not even night time 'was the last thing her mind silently said.

Luna was once again under the familiar tree laying her head on the man's lap. " What's wrong love?" The stranger who no longer felt like one asked her without taking his head from the book he was Reading. " No, you are here. I'm okay." His light chuckle was enough for Luna to feel at home. Psst Lulu! lulu!! Helene! What are you doing here!" Luna's eyes slowly opened and her head was pounding with a massive headache. " Ughh" Luna said, trying to sway away the dizziness of the eyes. " Are you okay?!" Helene said while looking worriedly at her cousin. "Yeah.. yeah I'm okay! Where are we? Wha...why can't I move my hands?" Luna said while trying to untangle her hands, still trying to shake away the feeling. " For your information we got kidnapped and currently held hostage in this creepy cell" Helene said, waiting for Luna to get back to her senses. " A cell? " Luna looked around the small room which was almost dark and was reeking a rotting smell. " Remind me to ask the king to upgrade our jail cells. We can't let anyone stay In a place like this.!" Luna said, still investigating the cell they were bound up to. " Tea time is over ladies! The boss is asking for you" a man who had blonde hair and from his physique a very tough man opened up the cell. He had a prominent scar on his left eye and thankfully somehow the eye was not damaged entirely. He had a muscular physique and looked as if he alone could win a fight with thirty men. Non uttered a word as the man was leading them through a small doorway. He didn't even try to look back to see whether the captures escaped somehow. Guess he was pretty solid about his skills, and just kept on leading the now confused girls through which felt like endless hallways. As they saw a huge door at the end, the Guy gestured them to move forward and so they did. There they saw the name, ' the Knight manner' written in gold on a wall. " Guess the Knight manner' found us instead." Luna said while leaving a heavy sigh. " Mhm it sure did" Helene agreed to her sister. " Stop talking and move!" The guy said while pushing Helene and Luna forward who almost Kissed the floor to his force. " O Emris! Chill my guy!" Helene said while puffing a white lock of hair off her face.

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