Part 37: Secret

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Angeline cautiously opened the door to find Aster standing on the other side. She knew Takka would still be lurking nearby.

"Hi, beautiful," said Aster.

She cringed inwardly and mustered a smile, worrying that Takka would tell Shay she was leading him on.

Aster glanced over his shoulder. "Can I speak to you?" he asked.

Angeline looked back at the empty room. "Sure." He followed her inside and she closed the door behind him.

What if this was a test? What if she wasn't supposed to let him in — to prove that she cared about Shay?

Would it even matter, if they weren't allowed to be together?

"I think maybe we should not be together for right now," said Aster.

She frowned in confusion. Had Takka already said something to him?

"It would not be good for us if your red-eyed friend found out."

"Okay," she said quickly. If he kept explaining, there was a chance Takka would overhear. If he figured out their plan...

"If he thinks you want him, it will be easier for us to—"

She grabbed his face and smothered his lips with hers, desperate to shut him up without outright telling him that there was a Guardian listening.

A Guardian who could disappear into a cloud of smoke and seep through the cracks beneath a door. Who was probably watching them.

The thought made her feel nauseated and she pulled away.

"Annie, are you listening to—"

She put her finger on his lips, giving him a wide-eyed stare. It was bad enough that he expected her to go behind Shay's back and use him. To give that away to Takka would be suicide, regardless of whether she was actually considering it. The vaporous being might decide to take care of the problem himself. Marius valued human lives below anything else on Serenia, and she got the feeling that Takka wouldn't hesitate to snap her neck over an inconvenience.

Aster pulled her hand away. "Annie, I'm serious," he said.

Was he not getting the hint?

"Okay," she said, trying not to sound impatient.

"You know, it is not easy for me to think about you being with him," he said, taking her cheek in his hand. "I do not want you to push yourself, or let him push you too far."

"Okay," she repeated. "I won't."

"Do not let him hurt you," he said softly.

She nodded. "He won't."

"Sleep well, beautiful." He kissed her forehead and then left.

She closed the door and turned with a start to see Takka standing against the back door with an amused smile.

"I see," he said, his tone matching his expression.

"See what?" she snapped.

"What was that bit about Shay not finding out?"

She took a breath. If she lied, he would know. "He's scared that Shay will hurt one of us if he finds out."

"Two-timing, eh? You little skank. I'm impressed."

She felt her cheeks get hot. "Shay was the one acting like he didn't care. He has no right to all of the sudden pretend he's in love with me when he—"

Takka started laughing.

"What?" she demanded.

"Does he know?" he asked, gesturing to the door.

"Know what?"

"That you're in love with Shay."

She stared at him angrily as the heat spread down her neck. "I'm not."

"Right." He gave her a disbelieving look. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Just remember what I said. I'll be off now. It was nice meeting you."

"What happened to keeping an eye on me?" she retorted.

"Oh. No, sorry. I just remembered — the exact words he used were, 'don't you dare, if you say a word to her, I'll wring your bloody neck.' I'll keep your secret if you keep mine, yeah?" he said with a grin.

Before she could respond, he burst into smoke and disappeared beneath the door.

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