Part 42: Stay

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Content Warning: This chapter contains graphic content.

Angeline leaned up against the tree with her arms crossed, pressing her thighs together as footsteps approached.

"Shay!" It was Thalia. She put her hands on her hips as she passed Angeline, and then she turned back with a sigh. "Do you know where he went?"

Angeline shook her head, trying to force her thoughts away from what had just transpired. Had she really just—

No. It wasn't the time. She needed something else to focus on, but the warm, wet mess slowly trickling down her legs brought her mind right back. She had actually let him— wanted him to—

Thalia frowned slightly. "What are you so embarrassed about?"

Heat rushed to her face. Of all the times to lose control of her thoughts. "Um— womanly troubles," she muttered, shifting uncomfortably as she felt a drip against her calf.

Thalia winced. "Sorry. Need anything?"

"Just my dignity, and... maybe a tampon."

"Can't help you there. Boy, I do not miss periods," Thalia said sympathetically.

"Yeah. Lucky you."

"Well, good luck." The purple eyed Guardian continued into the trees and Angeline breathed a sigh of relief.

She clenched her jaw irritably as she looked down. For him to just leave her there, dealing with his mess... she was ready to smack him when she saw him again.

Walking carefully to avoid getting it on her skirt, she circled the village border until she reached her house and snuck in the backdoor. It took her a few minutes to clean up, wiping her legs down with a damp washcloth as she thought about all the creative words she would use to cuss him out.

That she had willingly given him both her heart and body, only for him to act ashamed of her and disappear? To leave her there alone to cover for him?

She poured herself a glass of water and crawled onto her bed with a groan. Maybe he was right. Maybe being with him wasn't a good idea.

It was one thing to be unable to have children — a reality she had already accepted with her injury back on Kespan — but to not have him there with her made her heart ache. On some level, she knew they would get in trouble if the others found out. But wouldn't Marius find out anyway once the decision was made to be together?

She wrapped her arms around her pillow, burying her face in it. It was the first time since she'd so hastily returned his shirt that she wished she had kept it. She wondered if she could ask him for another, just to have something that smelled like him.

As the minutes passed, there was a sinking feeling in her chest telling her that he wasn't coming back. It grew stronger the more she waited, until she finally gave up and covered the lantern to smother its light.

She could still hear the distant laughter from the bonfire. A part of her wanted to rejoin them, but she wasn't in the mood to summon another fake smile. Her eyes began to water and she instantly turned over and pushed down her emotions.

"The day you let a man make you cry is the day you lose your power," Charlotte had told her. "Don't ever let a man take your power."

She closed her eyes, breathing steadily as she willed her mind to let her sleep.

Just as she was starting to drift off, the door swung open and she sat up with a gasp.

"'s alright, it's me," said Shay, slurring his speech a bit.

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