Chapter 11: Hold Me?

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An early update because you guys are so AWESOME!! Thank you so much for 100k you guys rock!

POV: Olivia

I entered the same classroom the brunette disappeared into, my eyes immediately went on a search party for a certain amber-eyed girl. I smirked as I saw the brunette sitting right at the back of the class. Quickly, I made my way to seat next to her.

She was so focused on whatever she was reading and didn't even notice my presence.

Her simple thigh length navy blue plaid skirt is hiked up further her upper thigh as she sits with her smooth, milky, shapely leg crossed. She's leaning back at her seat with a book open on her lap. One hand mindlessly flips the page as the elbow of her other hand rests on the table fumbling with her bag strap.

Why the hell I'm I staring?!
I don't do the staring it's the other way around!

"Hey partner" I say with a cheeky smile, getting out of my head.

The brunette jumped as if I woke her from her thoughts. She took a deep breath like she's trying to control herself. My smile grew bigger at the affect I had on her. I went to comment on that but got interrupted by the teacher.

"Okay class, you know the drill. Seat with your partners and discuss about your project." Mr Tisdale said, going behind his desk to grade papers I guess.

"So what are we going to be doing today partner?" I questioned, my tone laced with teasing.

The brunette said nothing, just staring at me with big golden eyes before she went to say, "can we please work on the project later?" her voice was so quiet, I immediately sense that something was off with the brunette. My blue eyes locked eyes with her golden orbs, immediately seeing a pool of sadness in them.

"Are you okay?" I went to ask softly, "I'm fine," The brunette snapped. "Calm down tiger, I was only trying to be nice seeing you are not yourself today," I said, my voice surprisingly soft than I intended it to be.

"I'm fine. " She said, her voice going quiet again. "We can work after school, if you don't mind dropping by mine?" I suggested, seeing that something is obviously disturbing her.

"Okay," she mumbled before going to focus on the book she was reading. I decided to give her space for the rest of the class.

Few minutes later the bell rang, signaling the end of school.

"Want a ride?" I asked the brunette, getting up from my seat to leave this prison. She raised her head, and locked eyes with me nodding slowly.

"Okay meet me at the field when you're done, I have soccer practice but I won't take long. " I explained to the girl, earning another nod.

Something is really bothering her. The Enid I know will never be this quiet.

With that I left for the door, turning and taking a last look at the sad brunette before leaving the class.

"Hey captain," Callie, my teammate greeted me with a smile on her face. She was already in her training clothes, sitting on the bench in the locker room tying the lace of her boots.

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