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A/N:- Ok, so idk if you will read this but let me say it.

I am extremely discouraged. On every chapter, there are more than 50, 100 and even 1k views, but hardly 15 likes.

This is making me question myself and whether I should continue writing this story.

It makes me feel like you guys don't like my content and hence, the lack of engagement. But, then why are their views on every chapter?

I mean I love writing, but sometimes likes play a huge factor in determining the encouragement, support and motivation.

Also, to those few who are constantly supporting me, I LOVE YOU ❤️

I'll stop here, make whatever you want to of what I said.

Enjoy reading.





Vanessa's POV:

"I- I- Wait, what?" Nicolo sputtered out, clearly flummoxed by the nonsense, his gaze fixed on me with bewilderment as I calmly sipped my orange juice.

"I didn't know adults could speak gibberish," I mocked, rolling my eyes at him in jest.

"Tell him to pay no mind to you," Vanessa's voice echoed in my mind, a warning lingering beneath its surface. Someone clearly wasn't amused by my tactics. Oops.

"I've got a message from Vanessa for you," I said, a mischievous smile playing on my lips as I relished the stunned expression on his face. "She suggests you pay me no mind."

"I don't understand..." He shook his head, turning to Damien as if seeking help to unravel the tangled mess I'd woven in his mind.

"God, you're so gullible," I scoffed, frustration bubbling up at his sluggish comprehension. "Let me put it in terms even a normal human can grasp. This body is the vessel for two owners with distinct personalities: Vanessa and me. Got it now?" I exclaimed, realizing that intelligence wasn't a guarantee even among adults, specially not this one.

"Trying to simplify things, but ending up making it more complex, classic Nessa," Damien snorted, clearly amused by the unfolding drama.

"Oh, shut up, you lackey. Your head's starting to look appealing," I smirked, my threat hanging in the air, hinting at the possibility of adding his skull to my collection. His eyes widened, and he promptly closed his mouth, miming zipping it shut and tossing away the key.

That's more like it, my obedient peasant.

"Have you finally digested the information, or do you need another three working days to do so?" I mocked my brother, thoroughly unimpressed by his sluggish mental processing. This make me really wonder if I really share DNA with this sloth-like creature.

"You're such a meanie, no wonder you're nobody's favorite," he retorted, causing a frown to form on my face. Had he really accepted the bombshell I dropped so easily? No accusations of craziness or being messed up or weird? That, in itself, felt strange.

"I like you. From now onwards, you are my favourite," I declared, flashing him a playful grin as I extended my half-eaten sandwich towards him as a peace offering. His reaction was a mix of disbelief and amusement, shaking his head in a way that screamed 'I can't deal with this', yet his smile betrayed a hint of genuine fondness. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't resist attempting to grab the sandwich, a subtle acknowledgment of our newfound camaraderie.

Lost In The Darkness {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now