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Vanessa's POV:

Exiting Dante's office felt like emerging from the depths of a tumultuous sea. The conversation had taken unexpected twists and turns, steering away from its initial purpose. Yet, strangely, it felt like we had delved into deeper waters, exploring uncharted territories of our thoughts and emotions.

As I descended the stairs, the atmosphere in the room shifted. All eyes turned towards me, pausing their conversations to acknowledge my return. Even Marco, who must have arrived in my absence, fixed his gaze on me, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"I knew you were trouble, but I like you even more now," Marco remarked with a playful smirk, his words laced with a hint of admiration and a touch of amusement. It was an unexpected sentiment from him, yet somehow fitting given the circumstances. Not to mention, his remark earned him a death stare from the crybaby aka Giovanni.

"Thanks for the unnecessary revelation," I quipped back, my tone light but tinged with a hint of sarcasm. Making my way over to the sofa where Alessia was seated beside Angelo. 

Marco's attention then shifted to the pocket knife in his hands, more specifically my knife, his eyes narrowing as he inspected it closely. His curiosity piqued my interest, and I watched intently as he examined the engraving.

"What engraving? Maybe I know," Elio chimed in eagerly, reaching for the knife with an inquisitive expression. His sudden interest in the knife added another layer of intrigue to the situation. Snatching my knife from Marco's hand, he continued the inspection on everyone's behalf.

"It's a broken clock engulfed in flames," Elio announced with a mixture of surprise and fascination. The revelation seemed to captivate everyone in the room, their attention now fully focused on me.

As their expectant gazes bore into me, I knew I had to say something to justify why I carried a knife with one of the famous symbol of a mystery mafia organization. Sensing the weight of their scrutiny, I carefully crafted my response.

"I got it from a guy," I replied cautiously, choosing my words carefully to avoid revealing too much. 

"Who?" Vincenzo persisted, his curiosity prickling beneath the surface of his calm demeanor.

"I didn't inquire about his entire life story, did I?" I retorted sharply, irritation simmering beneath my words at his relentless questioning.

Before the tension could escalate further, a gentle, feminine voice interjected, drawing everyone's attention, particularly that of her step-siblings. Giovanni, in particular, seemed unimpressed by her request. But then again, what else could be expected from a man of his caliber?

"Vanessa, could we have a moment alone?" Her voice was soft, yet it carried a certain sincerity that demanded attention.

"Of course, Alessia," I echoed her name, the syllables feeling unfamiliar on my tongue. "Let's step away for a moment."

Alessia rose from her seat, earning a discontented grunt from Giovanni.

"Alessia, sit down. You're not going anywhere with her," Giovanni's voice dripped with indignation as he attempted to assert his dominance.

Lost In The Darkness {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now